Page 62 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 62

14  Eco Explora�ons

                         Learning By Making | Diploma | Semester 4 | Taylor Lakeside University

                         This project encourages crea�ve design          As  for  the  second  floor  we
                         solu�on  and  sustainable  awareness            used  a  mul�ple  func�on  WC
                         with  regards  to  an  envelope  of  space      which  is  the  combina�on  of
                         and  its  interior  constraints  through        sink  and  WC.  As  for  the  bed,
                         model.  The  inspira�on  for  our  model        the idea was hanging the bed
                         design  was  from  the  Leonardo  glass         on  the  ceiling.  This  way  we
                         house.  We  tend  to  play  with  the  con-     have space for one small sofa
                         cept of shadow. Through its façade and          and closet. We also add some
                         glass window.  As well as playing with a        extra  height  for  the  bed
                         compact space.                                  because  what  we  find  out,  is
                                                                         that  our  height  became  too
                         The  chosen  site  for  this  project  is  the   low once we hang the bed. So
                         Chikyu Misaki, translated as Cape Earth.        we  added  the  height  �ll
                         It is a popular spot for locals to come         3000mm  to  help  make  the
       061               and view the first dawn of every New             space more breathable.
                         Year.  And once you are here, it’s easy to
                         see why.  Rising more than 100 meters
                         above  the  Pacific  Ocean,  this  Cliffside
                         loca�on offers an unparalleled majes�c
                         view  of  the  ocean  from  sunrise  to

                         We wanted to have to all the living func-
                         �on of an actual house in this compact
                         design space. Example living room area,
                         kitchen,  bathroom,  bedroom,  closet,
                         balcony and stairs to go up. Our strategy
                         is  to  merge  all  the  necessary  room
                         together  by  having  an  open  concept.
                         For  the  first  floor,  we  save  space  by
                         having  only  one  sofa  and  make  the
                         kitchen  counter  the  dining  table  for
                         people to eat.
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