Page 58 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 58

13  Cubism Design of Surface and Space

                Detail Drawing | Learning By Making | Degree | Semester 3 | UTAS University

                This task is completed in a group of approx.           We  are  encouraged  to  be
                3 people. The scope of the task exceeds the            crea�ve in the transforma�ons
                abili�es of one person and cannot be com-              that you make. The final form
                pleted on an individual basis. Start with a            need  not  be  strictly  cubic  in
                4m x 4m x 4m hollow cube. Our group is                 propor�on  or  geometry  and
                asked to develop this cube into a structure            may  be  stretched,  com-
                or  mechanism  that  will  allow  its  occu-           pressed,  warped  or  twisted.
                pant(s) to experience surface and space in a           We are required to produce a
                par�cular way. Our group is free to trans-             series of models and drawings
                form your cube as you wish. For example,               that  document  the  construc-
                we might pull one surface away from the                �on  details  of  our  group’s
                others,  manipulate  a  surface  to  create  a         design.
                curved or angled plane, carve away a chunk
                from the volume, extend a surface, or insert
                an opening.

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