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P. 56
Using ballons as a mould, it gives flexibility in crea�ng organic shape and the dried fabric can be
easily detached a�er the curing. However, the balloons were popped a�er the process. This has
consistency issue if we are asked to make the exact same size.
Different volume with different height in the cloud creates different spa�al experiences. Lower
height creates in�mate space while high height creates formal space. With this cloud, we are
trying to provide different spa�al experience within the whole structure. Hence, there are differ-
ent heights throughout the structure depending on the ac�vi�es which are going to take place.
Arranging balloons Popping Remove all the Complete Prototype 1
and cas�ng the balloons to balloons - the Fabric
Scrim fabric for remove the s�ll keeps the shape
Frame for Cas�ng