Page 57 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 57

Wrap cast frame with Clear  Cut the Scrim  S�r and mix   S�r and mix   Then squeeze the le�over   Cover half of the cast   Cloud structure is then   Added sparkling lights for
    Plas�c Film Polyethylene   Fabric to a   Corn starch   Corn starch   excess.  frame with fabric. Add   hook up on the Frame   be�er aesthe�c.
    for an easier remover of  smaller strip  and PVA glue   and PVA glue   more layer of fabric to   Structure.
    the complete structure     then dip the   then dip the           make the structure thicker
        at the end.            Scrim fabric �ll   Scrim fabric �ll   and stronger for hanging.
                                is fully soak  is fully soak         Leave the structure to dry
                                                                          for days.


    “ Our idea started to lose their original sustainability design intent when it comes to scaling from 1: 5 to 1:1. Our design intent for sustainability
    is by using a reverse pa�ern, whereby we reverse the harden mould structure and back to its original stage which is scrim fabric. Just like the ship
    of Theseus where by it gradually undergoes the replacement of each of its cons�tuent plank. Our design undergoes changes in the use from corn
    starch to epoxy. But the concept of sustainability is kept by applying to the sphere shape mould. Even though the sphere can’t reverse to original
    MDF state, it has a new life of reusing as a shelf. Based on the paradox we believe that the ship that went through gradual changes is the ship of
    Theseus. Because the effort to maintain the ship carries the soul while the reconstructed ship with old materials lacks of soul. Just like our design,
    the sustainability implemented in different way but s�ll contains the essence of it. The essence or soul is what makes the ship authen�c just like
    our final design. ”
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