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12  Structural Design for Public Kitchen

                         Experiement | Learning By Making | Degree | Semester 5 | UTAS University

                         Public Kitchen: Itera�on #5 is a collab-       Both of these offer different ways
                         ora�on  between  MONA’s  12  Carrot            of thinking about heritage. In this
                         Gardens project and designers/ac�v-            context, heritage is conceived of
                         ists from the Design Studio for Social         as not just pertaining to the past,
                         Interven�on  (DS4SI,  Boston).  The            but as something that is dynamic,
                         three  studio  leads  from  DS4SI  will        alive and includes both built and
                         conduct a Public Kitchen project on an         social  fabric.  The  shelter  as
                         empty lot in a Cul de Sac in Bridgewa-         ‘organism’  also  provides  the
                         ter (a Hobart fringe suburb), in collab-       opportunity  to  cri�que  sustain-
                         ora�on with local community groups             ability  in  a  similar  manner.  To

      053                and  residents;  working  from  March          ‘sustain’  suggests  an  ongoing
                         20-30  and  culmina�ng  in  public
                                                                        poten�al  for  agency  and  resil-
                         events March 28 - 30.                          ience,  where  the  past  con�nues
                                                                        to exist.
                         The  design  brief  for  this  task  is  to
                         collec�vely  design  and  construct  a         The design is to demonstrate sim-
                         shelter for the MONA Public Kitchen            plicity of construc�on, repeatabil-
                         event that will take place in Bridgewa-        ity of elements, and a limited and
                         ter in March 2018. The MONA team               restrained  pale�e  of  materials
                         have  designed  a  12m  living  table  of      and colours. The completed shel-
                         mosses  and  other  biodegradable              ter is to provide shade and offer
                         materials  that  will  be  posi�oned           protec�on from the rain. It does
                         beneath the shelter.                           not  however  need  to  be  a
                                                                        herme�cally sealed environment.
                         The shelter is to be conceived of as an
                         ‘organism’  to  complement  the  table
                         as a living surface. It is to be sustain-
                         able and reusable in the future. There
                         are two aspects to consider in rela�on
                         to the living organism - the biomimet-
                         ic aspect and the social aspect.
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