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P. 50

11  The  Grip From Hell

                         Experiement | Learning By Making | Diploma | Semester 2 | Taylor Lakeside University

                         This  project  required  us  to  create  an     The  chandelier  design  was
                         object that effects the human emo�on             inspire  by  the  movie  poster
                         psychologically  within  the  interior          “The  Ruins”  2008.  We  also
                         space. We were ask to produce a proto-          uses mul�-colour LED ligh�ng
                         type model in a smaller scale.                  to help give the space a more
                                                                         interes�ng character.
                         This was group project of two and the
                         theme we selected is horror and as for
                         our  selected  object,  we  decided  to  go
                         for  chandelier  where  it  is  hang  in  the

       049               middle of the interior space.

                         Playing with shadows is our main intent,
                         to  effect  the  person  who  is  staying
                         within the space. According to Jungian
                         analyst Aniela Jaffe, the shadow is the
                         ‘‘sum  of  all  personal  and  collec�ve
                         psychic  elements  which,  because  of
                         their  incompa�bility  with  the  chosen
                         conscious  a�tude,  are  denied  expres-
                         sion in life’’ (cited in Diamond, p. 96).
                         Jung    differen�ated      between     the
                         personal shadow and the impersonal or
                         archetypal shadow, which acknowledg-
                         es  transpersonal,  pure  or  radical  evil
                         (symbolized by the Devil and demons)
                         and  collec�ve  evil,  exemplified  by  the
                         horror of the Nazi holocaust.
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