Page 46 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 46

09  Innova�ve Crea�vity

                          Experiement | Learning By Making | Diploma | Semester 3 | Taylor Lakeside University

                          In this project we were ask to design a         In  our  decora�ng  phase,  we
                          new  type  of  product  based  on  our          try  to  design  the  decora�ons
                          crea�vity and our designing ability. The        where it is both a�rac�ve and
                          new product is to be designed as unique         acceptable to both gender and
                          as possible where best to be something          we end up using the simplest
                          had  not  be  seen  in  the  market.  The       design  to  decorate  the  prod-
                          product  is  also  had  to  be  designed  to    uct. “Simple is o�en the best”
                          nail  to  the  wall  or  hang  either  on  the
                          wall or ceiling where it cannot touch the
                          floor. Tests were to be make to deter-           We  design  a  prototype  to

      045                 mine  the  limits  of  the  product  being      show  the  client  using  only
                          designed  whether  it  could  reach  the
                                                                          basic  material  such  as  wood,
                          expecta�ons.                                    moun�ng  board,  retractable
                                                                          earphone  to  subs�tute  a  real
                                                                          retractable  device.  An  es�-
                          Our  design  idea  was  a  hanger    that       mate pricing was also done to
                          allows us to store our non used storage         present to the marke�ng client
                          on the ceiling whereby we are able to           and business client. Time was
                          pull  the  hanger  from  the  ceiling  and      also a factor in this project as
                          extended  to  the  point  where  we  can        we only got two – four days to
                          reach  and  put  objects  in  it.  For  the     complete.
                          design  of  the  hanger,  we  got  inspired
                          from the lantern. The Chinese tradi�on-
                          al lantern. Therefore, we chose hexagon
                          shape  as  the  main  base.  We  thought
                          that it would be a unique shape since
                          we seldom see any decora�on or lamps
                          are designed with this shape(except the
                          tradi�onal lantern).
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