Page 22 - Luce 2020
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A l umni News

         Recollections of Janet Clarke Hall

         in the 1940s

                                           As I look back on my three years in   readings which were held in Miss Joske’s
                                           residence at JCH at the end of the 1940s,  sitting room on some Sunday evenings
                                           I acknowledge that they were among the   and Trinity men attended those.
                                           happiest years of my life.
                                                                             There were also the common room
                                           Shortly before I entered College, I had   dances. These catered well for those
                                           met a former JCH student, who advised   new to the College, because they were
                                           me to get there early to ‘bag’ my bed!   ‘program dances’.  Each of us had a
                                           In those days, first year students slept   program attached to our wrist by a
                                           on one of two balconies – the ‘big   ribbon and young men approached to
                                           balcony’ on the top floor and the ‘little   write their name against a dance on
                                           balcony’ on the second floor. These bare  the program. It was thought very old-
                                           dormitories had no glass in the windows,  fashioned and amusing, but it was a JCH
                                           just large window openings covered with  tradition that we all enjoyed.
                                           flywire. This was obviously considered
                                           extremely healthy at that time and a   Among the highlights for me were the
                                           number of boarding schools had the   Trinity College plays. Each year I was
                                           same arrangement. The advice to ‘bag   thrilled to have a part. In 1947 the play
                                           a bed’ quickly was due to the fact that   was Sheppey by Somerset Maugham.
                                           students who had beds on the window   Then in 1948 the very talented Joy
                                           side of the balcony, often had to get up   Youlden directed Congreve’s Love for
                                           in the night if it rained and move their   Love and the following year she was
                                           beds into the middle of the floor so that   again our director in the wonderful The
                                           they did not get wet!             Time of Your Life by William Saroyan.
                                                                             Even Farrago was astonished at the high
                                                   Nobody seemed to think this   standard of the production. It was a joy
                                                   arrangement strange. From   to be part of it.
                                                    second year on, students had
                                                    bedroom /studies of their   Miss Enid Joske was Principal throughout
                                                    own, but the freshers who   my time in College. She cared very much
                                                    slept on balconies shared   for her students and we recognised what
                                                    quite spacious bedroom/  a great responsibility it was.  We were
                                                    studies with another fresher.   allowed out until 10 pm as long as we
                                                     This was a great way to   signed the book by the front door. To be
                                                     make new friends and many   out later than 10 pm, we had to obtain
                                                     of those friendships lasted   permission. This involved seeing Miss
                                                     for life.               Joske in her study early in the morning
                                                                             and that could be a daunting experience!

                                           The rituals of College life appealed   Miss Joske used to walk around the
          A smiling young Judy is pictured left   to me very much – the fact that we   passages quite late at night to see that
          in the shoe-shining group. We are   wore academic gowns and trenchers   all was well. She always had a bag of
          reminded that students have always   to Chapel and gowns and frocks to   bananas so that she could give one to a
          sought innovative ways to raise funds!    dinner; that there was a procession of   student who seemed troubled or unable
                                           the Principal and tutors into the Dining   to sleep.
                                           Hall each evening; that grace was said in
                                           Latin and that the academic procession   Janet Clarke Hall had a very happy
                                           out of the Dining Hall was brought up   atmosphere. I was very grateful for my
                                           by Florence, holding high the Principal’s   years there and very proud to be Senior
                                           tray of coffee.                   Student in 1949. It was a wonderful
                                                                             haven from which to launch ourselves
                                            As we were still an integral part of   into the world.
                                           Trinity College in those days, there were
                                           frequent activities with Trinity College   Judith Gregory,
                                           students – we attended Chapel three   formerly Reyne (1947 Leask)
                                           times during the week and once on
                                           Sundays and I sang in the Chapel choir.   For the full text of Judy’s recollections,
                                           The JCH Drama Club organised play   go to this link.  Click here.

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