Page 24 - Luce 2020
P. 24

          A l umni Newsl umni News

                            Kirsten Sugden                    Rhea Bhagat                       Zach Dettman
                            (2011) I was                      (2012) On                         (2017) Former
                            born in the                       completing                        JCH Student
                            Netherlands                       her                               Club Vice
                            and very                          undergraduate                     President, Zach
                            shortly                           Commerce                          reflects on his
                            afterwards my                     degree in                         semester abroad
                            family moved                      2014, Rhea                        at the University
                            to Hobart,                        joined the                        of St Andrews in
                            Tasmania                          graduate                          Scotland.
          where I grew up and finished my   program at ANZ Institutional bank.
          secondary school studies at St   As a graduate, Rhea worked on major   My time at St Andrews has been
          Michael’s Collegiate School. I moved   renewable energy projects, including   phenomenal. Despite being the home
          to Melbourne and started at JCH in   wind farms in Victoria and NSW.   of golf and home to a world class
          2011 and commenced studying for a                                  university, St Andrews holds on to its
          Bachelor of Environments. I lived in   She then spent three years as   integrity as a sleepy seaside town. With
          JCH for four years, including my whole   a relationship manager at ANZ   cobbled streets and little laneways, the
          undergraduate course and the first year   Institutional, covering a diversified   campus oozes history. Attending lectures
          of the Juris Doctor.             portfolio of universities, governments   in buildings from the 16th century and
                                           and healthcare providers. In this role,   lunching under a tree said to be planted
          I had always wanted to travel and had   she worked with major Australian   by Mary Queen of Scots, daily life is a
          the opportunity to do so through the   universities to finance their campus   little different from Melbourne!
          Juris Doctor program. I spent my last   upgrades and student accommodation.
          semester of law school in 2016 living   She also worked with the Department   With the Highlands on my doorstep, I
          and studying in Amsterdam. I was lucky   of Foreign Affairs and Trade to   joined the mountaineering club, taking
          to travel to many countries while in   improve the security of their global   the opportunity to walk and explore the
          Europe, including a trip to Norway to   payment systems.           rugged countryside whenever I could.
          see the northern lights in Tromso, and                             I’ve also taken the opportunity to trace
          a summer road trip through Italy and to   Whilst at ANZ, Rhea found time to   some of my family history in Scotland.
          the south of France. Meanwhile, I was   pursue her passion for creative writing,   Getting to know some of the traditions
          studying at the University of Amsterdam   contributing extensively to Australian   such as dances, kilts and, of course,
          Law School in International Trade and   literary journals and performing her   bagpipes has been wonderful.
          Investment Law with master’s degree   work at literary festivals.
          students from many different parts of                              As a student of International Relations,
          the world.                       In 2018, she pivoted away from    I’ve been studying national borders this
                                           finance and began a Master’s of   semester. Studying this in Scotland, in
          Upon returning to Melbourne I    International Relations full time at    the light of looming Brexit, has been
          commenced working at national law   the University of Melbourne in order   fascinating.
          firm HWL Ebsworth in the Environment   to explore her interest in politics
          and Planning team. There I pursued my   and history.               I’ve learnt a lot during my time here
          interest in the areas of environmental                             and have made friends for life. Europe
          law, climate change and sustainability.   Rhea balances her studies with   doesn’t seem quite as far away as it
          In 2018 I moved to global law firm   her work at a thinktank, where she   once did!
          White & Case where I work for public   collaborates with a former Harvard
          and private sector clients, on Australian   Professor who is distinguished in the
          and cross-border transactions in the   field of corporate governance and
          infrastructure space, including solar   regulation. Rhea writes topical ‘insight’
          and wind projects, rail, road and other   pieces that are intended to inform
          major energy projects. I’ve also been   policy and bridge the gap between
          able to work on some really interesting   academia and industry.
          pro bono work at White & Case. Last
          year I was able to be part of a team of   Rhea is currently undertaking an
          lawyers working with the International   exchange program at the Institute
          Union for the Conservation of Nature   of Political Sciences in Paris, with
          and the World Commission on      a focus on post-conflict justice and
          Environmental Law, in connection    international migration. She is also
          with its efforts to support the   working on her first novel titled   Dr Lizzie Barnes-Keoghan (2012),
          United Nations Global Pact for the   Parachute, which is set on a university   in yellow dress, now a practising
          Environment, a proposed international   campus and inspired by Zadie Smith’s   physiotherapist, was joined in Tasmania
          environmental treaty.            On Beauty and Donna Tartt’s A Secret   by fellow JCHers Tom Stegink, Grant
                                           History.                          Hardisty, Laura Main, and Sharni
                                                                             Brampton for her wedding to her
                                                                             partner Rob.

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