Page 25 - Luce 2020
P. 25

A l umni News

                               Amanda Jane    Caroline Jane Knight is the 5th great   Congratulations to the
                               Mortensen      niece of Jane Austen and grew up in
                               (Isherwood     Jane’s literary home of Chawton. The   following JCH alumnae and
                               1989) I could   Jane Austen Literacy Foundation is   friends who received the
                               never have     now in its fifth year, with volunteers
                               predicted the   and donors from all over the world,   following awards in 2019:
                               course my      supporting literacy projects in
                               career – and my   Australia, Ghana and India. It has
                               life – would take   come a long way from the early days   Australia Day Honours
                               when I arrived   when Caroline and I taught ourselves
            at JCH in 1989. At Melbourne University   how to set up websites and use social   Mrs Janet Osborn Limb AO (Cook 1956)
            I studied Chemical Engineering; then   media! To see the full story of how the   For distinguished service to the
            promptly went into a career in sales and   Foundation was formed, please go to   community through philanthropic support
            marketing with Unilever.          this link. Click here.            for charitable, social welfare, and medical
                                                                                research groups.
            Three good years working in an ice   Unfortunately, I had to step back from
            cream factory as a food technologist/  both career and Foundation work after
            R&D gave me a great foundation for my   I was diagnosed with breast cancer.   Queen’s Birthday Honours
            career. Yes, I ate ice cream for a living,   I have since been self-employed in
            but I also learned how manufacturing   property investment and short-term   Ms Marita Cheng AM (2007)
            and global companies worked. This has   rental, which I love.       For significant service to science and
            proved to be an ongoing advantage as                                technology, particularly to robotics.
            I moved further into the commercial   I will forever be grateful for the
            side of business. I had a six-month   stability and camaraderie offered by   Ms Helen Penelope Morris AM (1964)
            secondment in the Thailand Innovation   JCH in my vulnerable University years   For significant service to the philanthropic
            Centre which was life-changing, as it   and hope to reconnect with many   sector, and to community health.
            introduced me to new cultures and   JCHers.
            colleagues across the Asia-Pacific.                                 Dr Patricia Phair OAM (Johansen 1950)
            It was a heady time in the 90s, in                                  For service to women, to medical
            Sydney. I got to experience both the                                research and to the community.
            Millennium Bug and the fantastic
            opportunity of volunteering at the                                  Mr Stephen Higgs OAM
            Sydney 2000 Olympics. But the turn of                               (JCH College Council since 2016)
            the century – and turning 30 – made me                              For service to education.
            think. I quit my job, booked a round-
            the-world holiday, and landed back
            in Melbourne just as the Twin Towers
            came down in New York.

            Fortunately, I got started again quickly
            and worked in marketing for several
            leading brands: Streets, PZ Cussons,
            Birds Eye, Deeko, Holeproof and
            Thins chips. I made ads, researched   Dr Madeline Mitchell (2005) received
            consumers, developed and launched   well deserved recognition for her work
            products, and worked extremely hard.   in the field of synthetic biology.
            In 2011, I was awarded the Australian
            Marketing Institute top prize for
            Marketing Program of the Year.
                                                                                 Thenu Herath (2016), Senior Student
            In 2014 I took a step deeper into the                                in 2018, and exchange student in Paris
            supply chain, and joined packaging firm                              in 2019, was privileged to meet Her
            NCI, becoming General Manager for                                    Majesty the Queen at a Buckingham
            Marketing, R&D and Customer Service.                                 Palace Garden Party. She had been
            It was around this time that a friend                                                 honoured with an
            was developing her own legacy, and it                                                 invitation from the
            proved to be something dear to                                                        Australian High
            my heart.

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