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P oint of  View

          A unique perspective from JCH Fellow, Jaan Enden (1960)

                                           had ‘rescued’ from a skip at the College   academic support available to students.
                                           some fire hoses which she used to   She noted that COVID has made it
                                           hook into the pipeline that runs past   especially difficult for JCH in that ‘you
                                           Labertouche to the Flinders Naval Base.   need to walk around to feel the unique
                                           That day, Jaan held the fire hose for 5.5   atmosphere of the place’. She speaks
                                           hours on the house. It was saved but   fondly of her time as Chair when she
                                           they lost 14 kms of fencing, their hay,   really was part of the College again,
                                           and 300 acres of pasture. Fortunately,   knowing the staff and students, many of
                                           the cattle fled the flames and saved   whom are still close to her today.
                                           themselves. They were not so badly
                                           impacted by the 2019 fires, thanks to    College friendships from student days,
                                           18 fire trucks at the farm.       she believes, are long and lasting, the
                                                                             ones you keep for life – made through
          Development Associate, Kay       Sadly, Bruce died suddenly 11 years   living with people and really getting to
          Attali, spent an enjoyable       ago and, in recent times, Jaan has been   know them. She has fond memories of
          afternoon with Jaan Enden and    slowly stepping back from the everyday   sleeping on the ‘big balcony’ and of the
                                                                             mist that would drift through in winter.
                                           running of her beloved property which
          compiled this engaging account   she visits as often as she can, dividing   ‘Airy’ is how she describes it.
          of the life and reflections of the   her time between Labertouche and
          College’s distinguished Fellow.  Melbourne.                        Jaan was very keen to pay tribute to
                                                                             the two decades of service provided by
          Jaan grew up in north-west Tasmania   Before COVID restrictions, each year a   Damian. She stressed that, during her
          near Burnie but was sent to board at   group of JCH students – many of whom   years as Chair and in the years since her
          Firbank Grammar School in Melbourne   had never previously visited a farm –   departure, she has watched the College
          for her secondary schooling, an   would spend a day at Labertouche,   under his leadership be transformed,
          experience which she credits with   planting trees or painting fences; the   becoming a place of academic
          making her independent and resilient.   highlight of the visit was a barbeque   excellence, a place where young people
          Her consuming interest was history,   around a bonfire. Jaan hopes that these   learned from and about each other. The
          but not seeing a career path in that   visits may resume in the future. Like   transformation of the physical buildings,
          direction, she chose to study Law at the   many of us, Jaan is concerned about the   too, has added to the College’s social
          University of Melbourne, which in 1958   current situation, in particular the spread   environment, and are also an important
          was largely male-dominated. In 1960   of misinformation and the growing   part of his legacy.
          she arrived at JCH where she was to   anger of the far right. She feels the
          spend the next four years.       restrictions on movement have affected   Key to this positive transformation, she
                                           the young who need to feel secure and   noted, was the unlikely combination
          Like many of us on graduating in the   independent, and consequently have   of Damian’s authority and gentleness.
          sixties, Jaan set off for London, where   become less confident.   She believes it is essential that, as a
          she did her Articles in Law. On her                                small College in a highly competitive
          return to Melbourne her clients were   Although Jaan had always kept in touch   environment, JCH must shine, be vital
          organisations like the Salvation Army   with College friends, it was not until   and flourishing, be academically strong
          and the Uniting Church and she was   a call went out for volunteers that she   and supportive, and provide a happy
          involved in drafting the legislation to   really did reconnect. After assisting in   atmosphere for its residents. Jaan is
          formalise the split from the Presbyterian   various capacities, she eventually took   deeply gratified that today JCH continues
          Church.                          on the position of Chair of Council in   to be recognised and admired for all
                                           1994, which was a critical time in the   these qualities.
          Jaan’s husband, Bruce, had a cadetship   College’s history.
          with General Motors after completing   She held that
          a Commerce degree at the University   position until 2006
          of Melbourne, but he had always   and has watched
          wanted to be a farmer. In 1983 they   the College flourish
          decided to follow their dream and   under Damian
          bought a property in East Gippsland at   Powell’s leadership.
          Labertouche. Jaan, who was working in
          the city, continued to practise part-time   Jaan has been
          for a few more years before retiring from   delighted with the
          law altogether to become a full- time   increased number
          breeder of Aberdeen Angus cattle.   of country students
          As for so many on the land, climate   being in residence
          change and the environment are major   and thinks that the
          concerns for Jaan. During the Black   College’s excellent
          Saturday bushfires of 2009, she jokes   results speak for
          that JCH helped save her house. She   the tutoring and
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