Page 24 - Luce 2021
P. 24

N ews a nd  Events

          Women in STEMM Forum +

          Homeward Bound

          One of the things I love about College   1) Seek mentors who support you,   around us by leading with passion.
          life is that you never know where a   challenge you and introduce you to   Storytelling is a powerful practice and
          Dining Hall conversation might lead.   new situations.               women in STEMM are key to leading
          Back in lockdown 2020, I had one such                                global communities through the big
          chat over breakfast with a couple of   2) The climate crisis requires us all to   challenges faced by the human race
          third year and graduate science students.   act. Making small individual changes   and the planet we inhabit.
          They were talking animatedly about   towards sustainable practices matters,
          their futures and mentioned in passing   even if imperfect.        With thanks to honours student, Rachael
          how exciting it would be to meet more                              Skerritt, for co-moderating, alumna Dr
          women in their fields, especially those   3) There are cold, hard facts which   Maddie Mitchell for her help in making
          who had attended (in their eyes) the   show how many barriers women   it all possible, and to our panellists for
          ultimate science experience, Homeward   face in STEMM – from experiences of   zooming in: Dr Wing Chan, Dr Yona
          Bound.                             sexual harassment in the workplace   Jacobsen, Ms Nicole Fetchet, Assoc. Prof
                                             and gender pay gaps, to (un)conscious   Jill Sewell and Ms Fabian Dattner.
          I kept that conversation in the back of   bias. The barriers are higher again for
          my mind and fast forward to September   people of colour, particularly women   As we gear up for 2022, I look forward
          2021, we had the pleasure of hosting a   and non-binary folk.      to seeing where our Dining Hall
          ‘Women in STEMM’ online forum with                                 conversations lead next.
          the CEO and Founder of Homeward    4) Science communication is not
          Bound (HB), Ms Fabian Dattner, along   just about sharing facts. We can and   Briana Ellis
          with a number of HB alumnae, including   need to engage the hearts of those   Dean of Studies
          our very own alumna, Dr Maddie
          Mitchell (2005).

          On board a ship amidst the stunning
          backdrop of Antarctica over the course
          of a month, HB elevates the visibility
          and leadership capacity of women
          with Science, Technology, Engineering,
          Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM)
          backgrounds to collaborate, influence
          environmental policy and contribute
          to current debates on the world’s most
          pressing issues.

          The forum evening was both intimate
          and a call to action, a refreshing break
          from the monotony of lockdown living.
          Some of the key themes emerging from
          discussion between our panellists,
          students, staff and JCH alumni were:
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