Page 23 - Luce 2021
P. 23

B ooks a nd  Authors

            You create nuanced and vivid        Jack Tan, PhD Researcher and
            portraits throughout the book,      JCH Resident Tutor in English and
            including of Karuna’s father, but   Creative Writing, shares with us
            above all this book is a portrait of the
            relationship between a mother and   his impressions of A Brush with
            daughter: conflicted, tender, fraught.   Birds: Paintings and stories from
            Was this a difficult relationship to   the wild by Richard Weatherly
            write about?                        OAM, published in 2020.

            Karuna’s mother was the hardest
            character I have ever had to write,   A Brush with Birds: Paintings and
            because the story is told entirely    stories from the wild is a gorgeously
            from the perspective of her very    illustrated book celebrating the life
            angry and oppressed daughter. But   and art of Richard Weatherly OAM,
            I am not unsympathetic towards her   environmentalist and one of the
            either because she’s based on so    world’s finest bird artists. Richard
            many migrant mothers I know who     has spent more than 50 years
            could only parent reactively, instead of   observing, drawing and painting
            proactively, due to their stressed-out   birds in their natural habitats.
            life circumstances. I also wanted to
            explore the dangers of blindly believing   Although the focus of the book is on
            the axioms that a parent knows best   birds, Richard insists that his life’s   Richard’s formal training as an historian
            for their child, and that a parent’s ‘love   work, reflected in this book, sees   at Cambridge University means that he
            conquers all’. What if that parent was   birds ‘as part of a complex ecosystem   is an engaging storyteller. In this book,
            deeply flawed and held some pretty   and to watch them and understand   he pays tribute to his numerous art
            dangerous beliefs? How far should    them requires an interest in plants,   teachers, amongst them Robert Gillmor,
            we respect their right to parent    animals, insects and geology’. Readers   David Reid-Henry and Harry Horswell.
            however they wanted? When you think   can expect to see birds interacting   Readers are given insight into Richard’s
            about it, parents have an uncanny   with their natural environment and   artistic lineage as he remembers his
            amount of control over their emerging-  stories ‘from the field’, attesting   time in London honing his craft with
            adult children.                     to Richard’s work as a lifelong   these master teachers.
            Was it a challenge to sustain an                                    Telling the story of his career across
            adolescent voice in the telling of    Readers interested in the education   chapters centred on place – Africa,
            this story?                         of an artist would be delighted by   Australia, Papua New Guinea, North
                                                the order of the book’s chapters,   America and Antarctica – Richard
            Many people underestimate the       beginning with ‘Learning my craft’,   narrates the expeditions he makes
            eloquence of a teenager’s thoughts,   where Richard attributes his earliest   across diverse landscapes and the
            wrongly conflating them with        art education to constant observation   encounters with birds and other
            their words. Yet since the beginning   of the flora and fauna near Mortlake,   wildlife in each ecology, highlighting
            of high school, teenagers have been   Western Victoria, where he grew up.   the importance of conservation which
            asked to grapple with questions of   Richard’s prose is as sparkling and full   drives his work.
            morality and mortality through the   of energy as his paintings, chronicling
            literature they study. Also, the teenage   childhood anecdotes of his immersion   A Brush with Birds is worth acquiring
            girls with whom I grew up had very   in wildlife. Opening this chapter is a   just for the full-coloured paintings
            adult responsibilities (minding siblings,   stunning double-spread painting of   on every page. Richard’s mastery of
            having children of their own, caring   a flock of ducks descending onto a   the gouache medium has resulted
            and translating for their elders, doing all   creek at Buttabone Stud Park, New   in paintings filled with glorious light
            the domestic work in the house).    South Wales. It shows Richard’s   and details. Gouache is more opaque
            I wanted to capture the depth and   magical treatment of light – through   than watercolour but fine enough to
            insight of my friends back then, while   the dappled leaves, reflecting on the   represent all the details in his highly-
            still making them sound like young   gossamer surface of the creek, and   realistic paintings. In addition to the
            adults. So you will notice that Karuna   bringing out the skilfully-executed   magisterial artwork, Richard’s engaging
            doesn’t have very many ‘speaking’ lines   landing ducks. Richard has a gift of   prose and encyclopaedic knowledge
            in the book, and when she does speak   individualising each bird and animal    of the ecology across five continents
            she is not very articulate and usually   he paints through movement, posture   means that this book has appeal to
            just complaining about her mother.    and gesture.                  readers beyond artists.
            But the reader has direct access to
            her thoughts, and they are more

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