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A l umni News

          be a great tour guide to show friends   to lockdown, including interning at the   bemused (sometimes distraught) owners.
          around this city!                ANU Asia-Pacific Maps Collection and   However, my strongest memories are of
                                           creating an exhibition for the Canberra   the Dining Hall and the conversations
          Melbourne is now my second       Fire Museum.                      that lingered long after the meals had
          hometown, and I am sure JCH is a                                   finished.
          sweet home for many of us. I miss you   In 2022 I am beginning a PhD at ANU
          all and also send my best wishes to   through their Interdisciplinary and Cross-  I studied combined degrees in Law and
          Freshers.                        Cultural Research stream where I hope   Commerce. There was only a handful of
                                           to combine my interests in anthropology,  women studying this combined course
                            Madeleine Tan   ancient history, tourism, and heritage   and I loved it. I remained in College until
                            (2016)         studies.                          1987, when I moved into a share house
                            Moving from                                      with close friends, Anne Stonier (1984)
                            Adelaide to                       Suzanne        and Simon Johnson (1983).
                            Melbourne at                      Mackenzie
                            the beginning of                  (1983)         My first job after university was with
                            2016 to attend                    My first year   the large commercial law firm, Blake
                            university                        at JCH was     Dawson Waldron (formerly, Blake &
                            was without                       marked by the   Riggall, and now Ashurst). There were
                            a doubt one                       high of Australia   no computers on our desks and I was
          of the most daunting things I had ever              winning the    the first female lawyer to wear a trouser
          done. JCH was hugely supportive during              America’s      suit into the office!  There were word
          this transitional time in my life, and              Cup – a great   processing pools and queues based
          I’m fortunate to have met some of my   distraction from study for all of us at the   upon seniority for having your work
          closest friends through College – I can’t   time – and the shocking low of the (first)   typed, which meant I often was forced
          imagine life without them now, and I   Ash Wednesday bushfires which had   to stay back late into the evening just to
          look back on those two years with a   killed 75 people in the weeks before my   have a fax cover sheet typed.
          deep sense of nostalgia and fondness.  college life began.
                                                                             It was at Blakes that I met my husband,
          My first year at Melbourne University   I had completed my school years at   Michael. I left Blakes in 1993 to join an
          was perhaps my toughest emotionally,   Cohuna High School, in Northern   actuarial employee benefits consulting
          as I very quickly realised that I didn’t   Victoria, where there were only 36   firm, then known as William M Mercer. I
          enjoy any of the subjects that I had   students studying Year 12. We had no   was on my way to becoming a financial
          set out to major in (Politics and   computers at that time (and therefore no   services and superannuation law
          International Relations), and that the   internet) and our access to information   specialist. While I was at Mercer I was
          absolute last thing I wanted to do   was limited, but we did have access   seconded to Adelaide in 1994 for what I
          after graduating was follow my plan of   to water skiing, kayaking and all kinds   was told would be a one-year term with
          enrolling in the JD. With the support   of outdoor activities. I had first set my   their Adelaide office. I never did return
          of my College friends and tutors, I   sights on studying in Melbourne back   to Victoria. Michael’s family were from
          eventually changed my majors and   in 1967 when my family had taken the   Adelaide and he had returned there from
          began to dream of an academic career. I   road-trip to Melbourne to settle my   a stint overseas to work with his family’s
          haven’t looked back since.       older sister, Kathryn, into the first ever   home building business.
                                           intake of students at the then very new
          My years beyond JCH have been    La Trobe University – college life looked   In 1997, I left Mercer to become a
          just as exciting (although it took me   like great fun.            partner of an old established Adelaide
          a while to fully leave College, given                              law firm, Piper Alderman (which is now
          that I took a nap on Thenu Herath’s   I had not really noticed JCH on the   a much bigger national law firm). At
          (2016) presidential couch at least once   pamphlet I had read about residential   the beginning of 2002 I founded a new
          a week in 2018). I graduated with a   colleges, but it turned out to be perfect   boutique law firm – DMAW Lawyers,
          Bachelor of Arts (Honours) majoring   for me. I am forever grateful to Dr Owen   together with three partners who had
          in Anthropology and Ancient World   Parnaby for directing me to JCH – at   been at Piper Alderman with me and
          Studies in 2019 with the hope to begin a   the time, he was Master at Queen’s   total staff of about 14. This was both
          PhD overseas the following year.  College, and his daughter, Dr Margaret   stressful and exciting. After almost 17
                                           Parnaby (1972), was a tutor at JCH.   years building DMAW Lawyers with
          In 2020 I inadvertently took a ‘gap year’   I had a wonderful time – valedictory   a wonderful team of young lawyers, I
          at home in Melbourne, and in 2021   dinners, intercollegiate sport, the ritual   thought it was time to allow that team
          I moved to Canberra to complete a   of pre-dinner sherry for High Table with   to flourish and for me take on a different
          Master of Museum and Heritage Studies   Dr Eva Eden, and later, Mrs Phyllis Fry.   challenge; in late 2018 I was called to
          at ANU. My year here was an amazing   I recall water-bombing from the rooftop   the bar to practise as a barrister.
          experience of making new friends   any passing residents from Ormond
          and exploring a new city – although   and St Hilda’s (and, if we could ever   I continue my practice today, specialising
          I definitely also miss Melbourne! My   get them, Trinity) and the ‘pooky hit   in financial services, superannuation and
          Masters allowed me to undertake   club’ – where numerous teddy bears   trusts. Michael and I have four children
          several real-world experiences prior   were taken and held hostage from their   aged 19 years to 10 years.

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