Page 43 - Luce 2021
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            Melbourne University before joining the   Dr Fiona Margaret Proper (Weir 1956)  Having graduated in December 1961,
            Department of Psychiatry at the Royal   5 May 1938 – 8 September 2020  Fiona undertook her junior residency
            Children’s Hospital as a clinical child                             at the Geelong Hospital in 1962 and
            psychologist.                                                       during that year met John Proper at
                                                                  Fiona         a party. John, an Englishman, was
            For much of the 1970s she worked as a                 epitomised    playing a major role in a touring
            psychologist in disadvantaged schools                 the concept   musical comedy. They married on 26
            in both the government and Catholic                   of ‘one of a   January 1963 in Trinity/JCH Chapel.
            systems, during which she built up a                  kind’. She    After their marriage, Fiona toured New
            large collection of children’s drawings               spent her     Zealand and spent time in Sydney as
            and stories, that formed the basis of                 early years   John managed the show ‘Salad Days’.
            several of her books. Most significantly,             in Terang
            she became convinced that the                         where her     John Junior (now a senior Health
            conventions for writing in the English                grandfather   Department pharmacologist) was
            language with non-phonetic spelling and   was the long-standing local GP, joined   born in 1964, Stewart (an orthopaedic
            difficult grammar created unnecessary   by her father Stewart before her birth.   surgeon) in 1965 and Megan (a
            complexities for many children and was   On the declaration of war, Stewart   veterinary surgeon) in 1967. Their
            a major cause of illiteracy and social   Weir enlisted in the AIF and was killed   family home was established in
            disadvantage. Val became a vocal   in Greece in April 1941. Fiona and her   Canterbury and Fiona worked as
            advocate of spelling reform and the use   mother, Margaret, continued to live in   a GP in Glen Iris, with weekends
            of phonics in teaching reading. The trend   Terang until her GP grandfather died in   spent at their 35-acre bush block in
            back towards phonics in recent years   late 1942, following which the practice   Kangaroo Ground. John continued
            gave her great satisfaction.      and family home were sold.        to work in the theatre but branched
                                                                                out into television management and
            In 1978, Val and George left Ormond   Margaret Weir obtained a job as a   production.
            College, to enable George to take up the   house-mistress/housekeeper at Austin
            Chair of Church History at the University   House, for boarders, at The Hermitage   In 1990, by which time all three
            of Aberdeen, where his grandfather had   in Geelong. Fiona’s education was   children had completed their degrees,
            studied a century before. She reflected   at The Hermitage, except for science   they moved to far north Queensland,
            that her nine years living in a Georgian   subjects which she undertook at   built a house on 10 acres in Julatten
            house in Old Aberdeen were some of   Geelong College. Her holidays were   and developed a large tropical fruit
            the happiest of her life. She worked at   spent on farms in the Western District,   orchard. Fiona worked as a locum for
            the Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital   her four Weir aunts having married   Queensland Health covering hospitals
            and was an honorary research fellow   locally. In Portland she became a   from Dalby to Thursday Island, driving
            (Psychology) at Aberdeen University.   skilled rider, rabbiter and rabbit-skinner.  herself vast distances. With health
                                                                                problems and ageing they relocated
            Following their return to Australia in   Fiona commenced medicine and   to Cohuna, living on Megan’s family
            1988, Val had an honorary position at   entered JCH in 1956. She was tall,   farm. John died in early 2019 after
            Monash University where she completed   blonde, very fit and excelled at sport,   three years in aged care.
            her PhD thesis on ‘Orthography and   playing basketball and Australian
            Reading, Spelling and Society’ in which   Rules football for JCH and inter-varsity   Prior to her death, Fiona instructed
            she analysed the arguments for and   hockey and judo. She was the Victorian   her children that she would like her
            against spelling reform.          Universities’ judo champion, the   life celebrated on what would have
                                              Victorian State judo champion and in   been her 83rd birthday, 5 May 2021
            After George’s death in 2001, Val   late 1960 won the Australian Women’s   and that the celebration was to take
            continued to write prolifically in   judo championship. Unfortunately, judo   the form of a High Tea at the Windsor
            support of many causes, ranging from   did not become an Olympic sport until   Hotel. On that date seventy-two
            conservation, sustainability and the   1964. Fiona passed each year of the   relatives and friends from all facets of
            environment, social innovation and   MBBS with ease.                her life assembled for a joyous High
            literacy.                                                           Tea. The Windsor had trouble getting
                                              She had inherited an A model Ford   us to go home.
            Following a stroke, Val spent her last   and was permitted to park it in JCH
            three years living with family. She was   grounds. The car, named Bloss, was   An unusual, productive and
            awarded an OAM posthumously in the   spacious, upholstered in leather and   well-lived life.
            Queen’s Birthday Honours, June 2021,   started with a hand crank. The radiator
            for services to psychology as a clinician   boiled frequently and leaked. We came   Dr E. Anne Shanahan (1955)
            and author.                       to know every horse water trough in
                                              the Melbourne CBD. Imagine ‘the
            Val was a much loved and loving   ladies’ of JCH, complete with high
            mother, mother-in-law, grandmother,   heels, gloves and hats, bucketing water
            great grandmother, aunt and great aunt,   into a boiling radiator in the middle of a
            and friend. Her memory is cherished.  major thoroughfare.

            Esther Anderson (Yule)

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