Page 41 - Luce 2021
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              Helen Louise Scheller (Blair 1966)    Railway. She lived in Earl’s Court in the   Susan Louise Woods (Horne 1953)
              23 March 1946 – 15 May 2021     approved way and vastly enjoyed the   20 August 1934 – 4 June 2021
                                              opportunities for theatre, concerts and
                                              museums, at the time very affordable.
                                Helen had a   She worked part-time for the publishers              Sue graduated
                                peripatetic   Bailliere Tindall and camped (before it              in Physical
                                childhood –   became backpacking) through France,                  Education at
                                her father was   Italy and Croatia.                                Melbourne
                                with the ANZ                                                       University in
                                Bank – and    Upon returning home, Helen moved                     1955 where she
                                they lived in   from teaching to librarianship working at          was awarded
                                a number of   Sunshine and Port Melbourne Libraries                a Half Blue in
                                small towns   as a children’s librarian.                           1954 and a
                                across Victoria                                                    Full Blue in
            and New South Wales. I believe the   We were married in 1984 and visited   athletics, sprints and hurdles in 1955.
            themes of travel and journeying may be   the US to meet my father and the
            the best way to approach Helen’s life.  neighbours, affording Helen the   After graduation, Sue taught at Clyde
                                              opportunity to spin wonderful tales   School, Woodend and at PLC in East
            Helen’s education was necessarily   of deadly animals to the farm wives   Melbourne and Burwood, until her
            fragmented and included a year of   of western Kansas. Over the years   marriage in 1961 to John Woods. They
            correspondence school when she was   we returned to the US four times and   resided in Bacchus Marsh throughout
            in the Royal Children’s Hospital at Mt.   travelled to England (three times), Wales,   the 1960s where their three daughters,
            Eliza recovering from major back surgery   Ireland, Scotland, Finland, Jamaica,   Deb, Sally and Anna were born.
            in 1959. Some stability came when she   Italy, Spain, Japan (twice), and Vietnam.
            enrolled in the then new Strathmore   Our last excursion was a cruise to New   During this time, Sue became very
            High School where she discovered her   Zealand in 2016.             involved in community affairs and
            love of the French language.                                        was instrumental in the following: in
                                              Helen soon decided to work part-  1963, the establishment of the Nursing
            Janet Clarke Hall welcomed Helen in her  time and found more opportunities in   Mothers’ Association, now known as
            second year at Melbourne University.   teaching English as a second language   the Australian Breastfeeding Association;
            Her year on hospital rations which she   to adults. She enjoyed academic study   the establishment of the Bacchus
            felt were drawn from ‘standard mince   again, especially writing essays on a   Marsh Historical Society which saved
            recipes for 50’ made her particularly   PC rather than a typewriter. She had   buildings and sites of significance and
            pleased with the food at JCH, even if   most fulfilling sessions with migrants at   encouraged environmental awareness;
            tempered somewhat by the terror of   Elwood Neighbourhood House and Port   the retention of the now heritage listed
            being invited to dine at High Table from   Melbourne Living and Learning Centre.  Avenue of Honour when the elm trees
            time to time.                                                       were threatened by plans to widen the
                                              We moved to Macleay Island,       highway through the town. Sue was
            Helen’s first and perhaps most    Queensland (between Brisbane and   also involved in the establishment of the
            memorable overseas journey was in   the Gold Coast) in 1995. Helen soon   annual Bacchus Marsh Art Show, which
            1968 when she was part of the National   discovered U3A and conducted French   was later taken over by Rotary.
            Union of Australian University Students’   classes on the island and the mainland;
            trip to China during the Cultural   she also started a book discussion group,   In the mid-1970s Sue and John moved to
            Revolution, where they became aware   joined a writers’ group on Macleay and   Gisborne, Victoria where Sue managed
            of the reality of totalitarian command   tutored some of the island’s migrant   John’s medical practice and continued
            and control.                      wives in English.                 her interests in gardening, spinning,
                                                                                tapestry weaving, art and tennis.
            Looking at Helen’s qualifications gives   After Helen survived ovarian cancer in
            a map of her professional journey: BA   2005, we decided to return to Victoria   Sue was a foundation member of the
            (Melb.), Trained Secondary Teachers   and settled in Benalla. Helen continued   Steering Committee of Braemar College,
            Certificate (Melb.), Grad. Dip. Lib.   her involvement with U3A, leading   Woodend, a co-ed secondary school
            (RMIT), Grad. Cert. TESOL (Teaching   classes in French, Egyptian history,   which opened in 1978. This new school
            English to Speakers of Other Languages,   Modern Chinese history and leading the   occupied the campus left vacant in 1977
            ACU). After completing her teacher   book group for seven years until it went   when Clyde closed.
            training Helen was posted to Beaufort   into hibernation for COVID. Helen also
            and later transferred to Yarrawonga   discovered the joys (and frustrations)   Sue and John retired to Point Lonsdale,
            where she taught French and English.   of writing letters to the editors of The   Victoria in 2005.
            During this time she travelled to   Age and The Australian. Her signature,
            Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan (twice) and   ‘Helen Scheller, Benalla’ appeared in    John Woods
            Cambodia.                         The Age for the last time on 12 May
                                              2021, three days before her death.
            In 1975 the siren call of London could
            not be resisted and Helen travelled   Steven Scheller
            to Britain via the Trans-Siberian

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