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Donations and  Scholarships

          2021 Scholarship Recipients

          The funds provided by donors allowed   Margaret Henderson Scholars  Bec Carra
          the following College scholarships to be   Shanuka Bogahapitiya Gamage  Gracie Carroll
          awarded in 2021:                 Declan Hickey                     Stephanie Carroll
                                           Justin Mitchell                   Sarah Chang
          Janet, Lady Clarke Scholar                                         Milly Chen
          Hector MacGillivray              Olive Wykes Scholar               Alaina D’Arcy
                                           Reba Nelson                       Uma Dingemans
          Chair of Council’s Scholar                                         Jasmine Evenden
          William Thomas                   Jennifer Taplin Scholar           Lily Fforde
                                           Sophie Altmann                    Kate Fincham
          Janet Reid (Malley) Scholars                                       Lily Hillary
          Gypsy Akhyar                     Janet Clarke Hall Society Scholar  Andia Latifi Meybodi
          Miriam Lewis                     Avryl Hart                        Wendy Lin
                                                                             Emily Mannix
          Kenneth Moore Memorial Music     Yvonne Aitken Scholar             Frances Pini
          Scholars                         Maria Wu                          Jenna Pride
          Josh Hooke                                                         Brigitte Shill
          Anna Marsh                       Betty Elliott Scholars            Rachael Skerritt
                                           Alex Hornung                      Milan So
          Vera Moore Scholars              Riley Maddeford                   Carmen Umbers
          Angus Blenkiron                                                    Catherine Van Der Merwe
          Annie Blenkiron                  AR Grice Scholar                  Charlotte Webster
          Nathan Britt                     Kalani Knight                     Amy Wortmann
          Eve Gray                                                           Xioale Zhan
          Jess Lang                        M Buesst Scholar
          Justin Watson                    Benjamin Ma                       Peggy and Leslie Cranbourne
          James Rapley Memorial Scholar    N McDougall Scholar               Ms Alice Pung
          Nathan Britt                     Tom O’Neal
                                                                             Kenneth Moore Memorial
          First in Family Scholars         Sarah Stock Scholar               Music Scholar
          Gypsy Akhyar                     Shambhavi Mishra                  Assoc Prof Anna Goldsworthy
          Rachael Skerritt
          Justin Watson                    G Maudsley Scholar                Anonymous bursary recipients (College
                                           Nat Nguyen                        bursaries are kept confidential to the
          William Angliss Scholars                                           College, the donor and the recipient.)
          Jack Kervin                      FC Stainbridge Scholar
          Abby Robilliard                  Arky Walker                       In light of the collective efforts of all
                                                                             resident tutors in maintaining the College
          Chartwells Scholars              Constance Tisdall Memorial Scholar  community through the second year of
          Kyla Fritz                       Clancy Hehir                      the COVID-19 pandemic, the Enid Joske
          Tommy McDonald                                                     Centenary Scholarship was not awarded
                                           GM Turner Scholar                 in 2021.
          Phyllis Fry Scholar              Ritchie Lee
          Nick Vidler                                                        The College has endeavoured to
                                           May Dunn Scholars                 report accurately on all donations and
          Cecily Faith Statham Scholar     Chelsea Albanese                  apologises for any errors or omissions in
          Zoe Malone                       Julie Alkarra                     this list.
                                           Charlotte Baker
                                           Megan Barry
                                           Rebekah Beer
                                           Marina Bishop

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