Page 4 - Luce 2021
P. 4

I nterview

          Prompted by some searching questions from JCH Fellow,
          Mrs Penny Lewisohn (1964), departing Principal Dr Damian Powell
          reflects on his two decades at the College.

          As a member of the Janet Clarke   Beyond university tutoring and
          Hall Council 20 years ago, I was   then lecturing at the University of
          privileged to be on the selection panel   Canterbury in New Zealand, I had
          which chose you unanimously as the   been a ‘res’ or ‘non-res’ tutor in four
          outstanding applicant for the position   colleges (Lincoln in Adelaide, Whitley,
          of Principal. Tongue in cheek, can I   University and Newman) as well as my   everything we can do to assist the
          ask what possessed you, as Director   five years in Trinity before I came to   University contributes to our collective
          of Academic Studies at Trinity College   JCH. Pastoral and academic: colleges   success. 
          next door, to apply for the position?  do both. They build people up as
                                           people, and they help to give them an   As a ‘Head of House’ (College), I’ve
          Thanks, Penny. I think the answer   academic toolkit, including analytical   enjoyed an immense privilege in being
          is probably common sense! More   rigour, which will hopefully serve them   able to engage with the University
          seriously, it seemed a wonderful   well in adulthood throughout their   across its length and breadth, from
          next step from deputy to Head of   personal and professional lives.  the most senior office- bearers, to
          College. Early on in my time as Acting                             the Academic Board, to professional
          Dean at Trinity, my then boss Don   I’ve always thought the Melbourne   staff. But I’m not on the payroll, which
          Markwell asked me: ‘Where would   colleges overlap with the best   has also allowed me to offer pretty
          you like to be in five years?’ Having   educational institutions in the world,   frank opinion at times, and also to ask
          grappled with whether to offer the   in a completely distinctive way. I think   difficult questions which I hope have
          obvious ‘well, working for you of   what they do is entirely undervalued   been constructive, although I imagine
          course’, I was nervous about whether   and not very well understood, even   some folk have seen me as a bit of a
          it was presumptuous to offer what I   by some of the students who go   provocateur on occasions. 
          actually gave as my answer: ‘I’d like   through them. Having spent plenty
          to be the Principal of Janet Clarke   of time in Oxford and Cambridge,   I’ve also been around for a while,
          Hall’. But there it was: as an over-  and some intensive time visiting   having spent time with the wonderful
          confident, rather callow young man   liberal arts colleges and collegiate   David Caro, whose association to JCH
          still in my twenties, I couldn’t imagine   universities in North America, I’m   comes partly through his wife Fiona,
          a better next step for me, with many   confident JCH matches them for its   and over many years I’ve got to know
          of the challenges (and opportunities)   range of opportunities. And it’s little   and work with successive VCs and
          I knew a Head would face, but on a   wonder that many of our students have   Chancellors, including JCH Fellow
          size and scale I thought I might cope   gone on to success in pre-eminent   Dr Fay Marles AM (Pearce 1944), and
          with. I wasn’t really imagining I would   universities around the world. That’s   particularly Glyn Davis. And now more
          be offered the role, but it worked out   why the word ‘privilege’ features so   recently with Duncan Maskell, who
          wonderfully for me.              much in the JCH statement of values:   has been remarkably candid and, like
                                           only an absolutely privileged group of   Glyn, very generous in giving time and
          Did you have a particular vision of   people have the chance to experience   energy to the colleges, and to JCH. 
          what a University college might be   a collegiate education at one of the
          when you commenced? How difficult   great universities in the world, and the   Serving on various working parties
          has it been to realise that vision in the   Melbourne colleges offer that.  and committees, from sport, to the
          modern environment?                                                ‘Melbourne Experience’, to ‘Respectful
                                           What is the relationship between   Relationships’ allows you to see the
          In a way, college life has solved one   the University of Melbourne and the   challenges faced by the University and
          of the big puzzles of my life – what is   colleges and has it changed during   also to get to know the people who
          important pastorally, and what matters   your tenure as Principal? You and   have to grapple with its complexity and
          in terms of academic instruction   other members of JCH have actively   its scale. My fear has always been that
          and encouragement, in a successful   contributed to various aspects of   the importance of the colleges to the
          university education? In terms of what   university life. Have you found it   University would be underestimated
          I thought a college might be, I ‘had   rewarding?                  or undervalued. In numerical terms
          form’ when I arrived at JCH, and not                               we are obviously only a small part
          just from my time at Trinity. My dad   I’ve found it immensely     of the whole, but we are vital to the
          held a personal chair at the University   rewarding. One of the most   University in its attempt to be among
          and my mum was essentially a social   powerful moments you can have,   the best in the world. Recently I wrote
          worker for the Catholic Church. As I   as a Melbourne Head, is sitting   to the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of
          tried to figure out which influence was   on the podium during Graduation   the Heads underlining our collective
          stronger in my own pathway, I joined   Ceremonies. Beyond that, as I’ve   contribution. But we Heads also
          a college while undertaking my PhD,   always said to colleagues, we are tied   have to remain constructive in our
          to try and sort through which was more   by an umbilical cord to the University   engagement, focusing on how we can
          important to me – academic success or   of Melbourne.  If the University fails   help the University in these very tough
          a pastoral calling.              or falters it hurts us all, and conversely   COVID times.
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