Page 9 - Luce 2021
P. 9

I nternational Perspectives

            An American perspective on the global pandemic

            In March 2020 the World Health    news is disseminated into communities.
            Organisation declared COVID-19 a   This work has been particularly
            pandemic. For many of us, this was   interesting in the context of COVID-19,
            experienced through varying periods   because local and original news and
            of lockdown and isolation. It  has also   information have become a key source
            meant that we have become well-versed   for community members navigating the
            in monitoring global patterns of viral   complexities of COVID-19.
            case counts, keeping up to date with
            ever-changing national health guidelines   Local news is generally taken to mean
            and tracking the evolution of disease   the news and information that informs
            variants. While the international and   residents about their immediate
            national news of the day dominates   community. Local news is provided by
            many social media feeds and headlines,   newspapers, local television stations,
            the COVID-19 pandemic has also been   radio stations, websites, and social
            a local news story. I have been studying   media – but it is hard to put a firm   continued to struggle to generate a
            the changing nature of news media,   geographic boundary on what defines   financial profit.
            and local news, for nearly 15 years.   community, as that varies from person
            Research on local news has become an   to person and from town to town.  Local news continues to be among
            increasing priority for me in the midst of                          the most trusted sources of news and
            the pandemic.                     Changing patterns of local news   information, but the balance is shifting
                                              coverage also translate to a change in   and so are the sources. In the US, one
            It has been 21 years since I studied   how we think about community. In   in five Americans now turn to social
            abroad at the University of Melbourne   2021, my research team conducted a   media as a primary source of local
            and lived in Janet Clarke Hall. When I   survey of more than 2,500 community   news. Television remains the most
            graduated from university, I navigated   members in the United States in order   popular source of local news (44% of
            a path from advertising and media to   to better understand how perceptions   respondents in a 2018 survey by Pew
            academia. I have worked as a professor   of local news are evolving. We are   Research) – community members still
            for more than a decade, and 2021   learning that people increasingly define   prefer watching local news – but online
            brought me back to Rutgers University,   community based on fuzzy boundaries,   news, including social media, continues
            the State University of New Jersey,   using expressions such as ‘what’s local   to grow (preferred by 34%).
            where, coincidentally, I had started my   is what is near me’ or ‘I know it’s
            career as an academic.            local because I’m able to drive there   I am looking ahead to new challenges
                                              and I know the businesses.’ When we   for local news; I work a lot with
            For me, and for my family, 2021 has   consume more local media, however,   colleagues around the globe – in South
            been a year of transitions. In late 2020,   we tend to have a clearer sense of what   Korea, Australia, the UK and the EU –
            we relocated from Minnesota to New   our community is (in the same way that   and I plan to continue expanding my
            Jersey – approximately 1900 km. This   Luce helps to maintain and build the   work to better understand how the
            was a decision driven by careers as well   Janet Clarke Hall community).   US context compares to international
            as a choice of where we wanted to raise                             settings. We know there are a lot of
            our children but moving was also greatly   One of the biggest challenges facing   similarities in the way local news
            complicated by COVID-19. After months   local news has been the demise of   is changing, and COVID-19 has
            of relative isolation, we had to figure out   the traditional print newspaper model.   consistently reinforced the importance
            how to move with two kids and a dog,   Today, more people get their local news   of local information, but many countries
            selling a home, moving our possessions   from online platforms than ever before.   outside the United States have more
            – and because of travel restrictions, we   For instance, in the United States, a   entrenched cultures of traditional
            had to find a rental home in New Jersey   2020 study by Pew Research found that   local news.
            without actually being able to travel   23% of Americans are paying more
            and visit first. It was daunting, to say the   attention to local news. The global   I am also looking forward to resuming
            least, but we managed our way through,   pandemic has meant that many are   travel to many of my international
            along with everyone else navigating the   searching for relevant local information   collaborators in 2022 and beyond.
            challenges of the pandemic era.   such as news on the status of schools,   A 2020 trip to Australia was cancelled
                                              information on local business closings,   due to the pandemic and I am eager
            In the midst of this period of transition,    and changes in local community health   to reschedule. I am counting down the
            I have continued my work as a     policies. This has translated into a   days until restrictions are lifted and I am
            researcher. Beyond my work on local   renewed focus on news and information   able to travel abroad again.
            news, I study technological change,   in local communities. For instance,
            media and organisations. As an    according to research conducted by
            academic, I have been able to spend   the News Media Alliance, visits to local   Matthew Weber (2000)
            a lot of time looking at companies   news websites in the US jumped 89%   A/Professor, Department of
            producing local news and have used   from February to March 2020. Local   Communication, Rutgers University,
            big data to study the way in which local   news organisations, however, have   New Jersey, USA

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