Page 8 - Luce 2021
P. 8

I nterview

          pretty well in terms of how we approach   of immediate relevance to the annual   met. And the sadness I feel about leaving
          academic life at JCH.            Leadership and Literature Dinners…  is mixed with real joy at her leading her
                                           do you receive feedback from students   own school in Shepparton, at which she
          It is very encouraging to read reports   reinforcing the value of these efforts?  will leave me for dead! 
          of alumni going out into their
          communities with the intention of   I actively seek it out!  It’s always   The Powell women have given so
          making a difference and not just a   interesting to see how students react to   much to JCH behind the scenes,
          name for themselves or simply just a   speakers.  I think ‘Ted Talks’ and the rise   including in putting up with me and my,
          living. It seems to me that ‘service’   of online speakers have probably slightly  at times, obsessive focus on the College. 
          is a strong element in the education   dented enthusiasm for dinnertime   I think about the way Corin and Nieve
          being provided in JCH. Do you think   speakers, as you can sit in your bedroom  sidled up to General David Morrison and
          the strong community spirit in a small   and listen to Barack Obama or whoever   just started chatting before a dinner, or
          college assists?                 – but my prediction is that after COVID   the way that Dieni has ‘covered’ for me
                                           restrictions end, students will be craving   in terms of making sure that everything
          In terms of service I’ve always found   face-to-face, real-time speakers.   was running smoothly during particular
          JCH people – alumni, friends, and                                  dinners. I also think it’s been good for
          students – to be pretty humble. This does  When I arrived at JCH I didn’t want   them. 
          seem to me to be a distinctive part of our  to run dinners which were, to put it
          culture, as there is so much ‘boosting’   bluntly, content free; celebratory black-  As you say, over the last twenty years lots
          going on nowadays. Sometimes I think   tie dinners are fine and can be fun, but   of children – not just Corin and Nieve
          our students are a little too backwards in   I wanted something different. We’ve   –have added to that ‘domestic’ feeling,
          coming forwards. It reminds me of the   always tried to highlight the intellectual   and remind us all that not everyone is
          old joke about the meek inheriting the   breadth and reach we have by virtue of   a university-aged person. I will always
          earth, but only if that’s okay with the rest  being a university college. Our alumni   remember going into the kitchen to sort
          of you…                          community is just unbelievable in the   something out just before Orientation
                                           people who have been through the   Week and coming out to find Nieve
          On the other hand, I’d rather a student   College, and beyond them it’s been   rising up from inside a bin – a very clean
          who never tells you that they play the   wonderful to ask folk who understand   bin I would add – as the student club
          piano, and then sits down and plays   what we are on about to speak in   did the ‘Fuzzy the Clown is a long way
          their own beautiful composition,   Hall. Again, benefaction has been   down’ dance with her and Corin!  I‘d be
          to someone who is always talking   crucial. We wouldn’t have Alice or   interested what the folk who have gone
          themselves up. In terms of service, one   Anna in the life of the College without   through College made of us as a family.
          of the things I’ve been proudest of is   the support of public philanthropic    
          the fact that students go down to the   trusts who have been so generous in   What has given you the greatest pleasure
          local primary school and volunteer with   endowing major artistic programs.   in your time at JCH?
          young kids from ‘CALD’ backgrounds
          in which English is a second language   As I’m leaving, I have to say that only   There’s been so much variety – such
          at home. Before COVID disrupted   one speaker has ever slightly overawed   an incredible team effort. It is gratifying
          everything, this had been part of our   me. I remember when Malcolm Fraser   to watch young people who may be
          culture for a very long time, and it   walked through the front door… he was   feeling lost feel better and move on
          reminds us all that the College is   such a polarising figure in terms of ’75   successfully. So much opportunity to
          surrounded by diversity, including a   and all that, and to watch him move to a   imagine the way things ought to be, with
          large migrant population from Africa in   darling of the ‘left’ in his later years was   the chance to have some influence.
          North Melbourne and in Carlton. We   quite remarkable. I remember thinking to
          need to model service to build empathy   myself ‘that’s actually Malcolm Fraser…   And what have been the biggest
          and not for CV building, although again   and you’re in charge of this dinner, so   headaches?!
          I think sadly there is incredible pressure   get a grip!’
          on young people to develop a ‘social                               We might end up back at plumbing and
          justice’ portfolio for their resumes.  A Principal in Residence, married tutors   wiring. More seriously though, when it’s
                                           and the Artists-in-Residence program   been tough, it’s been very tough. I don’t
          The College has been enriched by your   – bringing families to live in JCH – all   know if it’s a headache exactly, but I
          recruiting eminent individuals who   seem to have been masterstrokes in   worry about the diminishing respect
          are more than simply names in the   ‘humanising’ the College. Would you   for the life of the mind, rational and
          prospectus. Professor Peter Doherty   like to comment on the part that Dieni,   respectful debate, and even for the
          AC, who replaced the ‘Wife of the   Corin and Nieve have played in their   sheer banal reality of adult life. Not
          Governor’ as the ‘College Visitor’   support for you as Principal? They   everyone can be rich, famous, and
          has, with Penny his wife, actively   have been an adornment at College   powerful – and I’m not always sure that
          contributed on a great many College   functions!                   we are telling the truth to ourselves,
          occasions. Anna Goldsworthy and                                    or each other, about what makes for a
          Alice Pung have immensely enriched   Thanks, Penny. Without Dieni, I   good society. These things sometimes
          the cultural life of the College. Plus, of   wouldn’t have made it. She is the most   keep me awake at night. But it’s been an
          course, the recruitment of outstanding   remarkable person, the wisest and   incredible honour and, with apologies to
          staff. You have been thoughtful in   the most practical, the kindest person   any future employer, nothing else in my
          attracting eminent speakers on topics   without being a pushover, I have ever   professional life will ever come close.
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