Page 44 - CMA EXAM-2stacey
P. 44
106) When inspecting a patient’s arm before performing a venipuncture, the most
desirable site appears to be the back of the hand. Which of the following venipuncture
methods is most appropriate in this situation?
A. evacuated tube
B. needle and syringe
C. butterfly needle
D. capillary puncture
107) Which of the following is a CLIA waived test that can be performed by the
medical assistant?
A. differential
B. chemical urinalysis
C. Gram stain analysis
D. Crossmatch
108) The physician orders a random blood sugar on an adult patient newly diagnosed
with diabetes who is right hand dominant. The medical assistant notices inappropriate
puncture markings on the patient’s fingers. Which of the following statements should the
medical assistant use when re-educating the patient in capillary puncture?
A. "It’s best to use the outer edge of the middle or ring finger on your left hand when
doing your finger stick."
B. "You should consider using the center of the middle finger on either hand for your blood
sugar testing."
C. “Do not use your right hand when checking your blood sugar."