Page 2 - Project Birchwood, Melbourn
P. 2


                                                 This project presents a remarkable                      We are delighted to have been invited to submit this expression of
                                                 opportunity to define the long term intent for          interest for Project Birchwood. We have structured this document in
                                                 the campus at MSP – fusing a vision for the             response to your selection criteria.
                                                 business with a connected pattern for future            The successful design team for this challenging and exciting project
                                                 growth that will provide a robust but flexible          must bring collective and relevant experience along with creative
                                                                                                         enthusiasm and genuine commitment- our team provides these key
                                                 framework- able to adapt to emerging needs              characteristics.
                                                 of an ever changing market.
                                                                                                         This document explains our background, our proposed core team
                                                 We believe we should feel ‘at home at work’.            along with a narrative covering relevant project experience and also
                                                                                                         outlining our understanding of what this exercise is all about.

                                                 A home which can offer a truly supportive               For us designing with clients is a process of exploration. Listening
                                                                                                         and asking questions to gain a true understanding, followed by
                                                 and stimulating environment in which to carry           generating ideas, testing and evaluation of options and alternative
                                                 out world leading research, encouraging and             solutions. It should be a ‘comparative and collaborative process’
                                                 enabling new patterns of working and                    which aims to fully engage all the key user stakeholders as well as the
                                                 thinking.                                               local community.

                                                                                                         We recognise the importance of gaining confidence and building
                                                 A home which promotes sustainability and                consensus, constructively challenging guidance where necessary
                                                 efficiency, technologically enabled-  having            and testing approaches to achieve optimum value and long term
                                                 the capacity to respond to our rapidly                  benefits for MSP.
                                                 changing and surprising world.                          We hope that we may have the opportunity to present our ideas to
                                                                                                         you in person at the next stage of your selection process.
                                                 A home which is a great place to ‘be’.
                                                 Attractive and comfortable, a place which
                                                 visitors will remember and where staff will feel
                                                 a real sense of belonging and pride.

                                                 A home which can set the standard for
                                                 others. An exemplar to the sector, both
                                                 nationally and internationally.
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