Page 4 - Project Birchwood, Melbourn
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Our Practice
1 MCW was formed in 2011 by Colin Moses, Murdoch Cameron and Our willingness to listen helps us to think and design strategically,
Peter Williams, following our decision to leave RMJM where had and we believe collaboration is at the heart of any successful project.
worked together for over 10 years. Together we ran the Cambridge We have excellent relationships with many consultants and have
Studio between 2003-2010 delivering over £400m of successful worked with your team of Gleeds, Carter Jonas, TPA and MLM on
projects across the UK, winning a number of RIBA and other awards other projects. We advocate an inclusive conversation to thoroughly
in the process. understand our client’s ambitions and concerns. Of course, the big
Our decision to form our own studio was driven by our need to work picture is reliant upon well executed detail, so our attention extends
more closely with our clients, enjoying more productive and positive from the strategic thinking through to the equally vital fine grain
relationships and ultimately making better projects. We are building issues.
a business based on professionalism and respect for our clients and
staff, wanting long and lasting relationships with both. Our clients come to us because of our ability to support them
through periods of growth and change, knowing that we can provide
The intimacy of our practice allows us to give our projects, and clients them with considered strategic thinking that they need to secure
the full attention they deserve, but the diversity of our experience, investment and make decisions over the longer term. Invariably, our
interests and backgrounds means that our horizons are broad. Our attitude and approach means that they tend to return to us again and
work has included projects for high profile clients in the UK and again, enjoying and extending the dialogue. Many of our projects are
internationally within challenging contexts and with complex briefs commissioned by clients with whom we have established trusted
but all our projects share a clear direction and honesty of approach relationships, we have worked with some of our current clients
informed by experience. continuously since 1999, so we like to think that we are able to offer
our clients consistent excellence, as well as an individual approach to
Our very best work is the product of a design process where we each project.
spend as much time listening, talking and thinking as we do in
image making. We believe that architecture derived from an arbitrary We now have a 20+ strong studio based in Cambridge. We are an
shape-making process is always superficial: just because we can energetic, enthusiastic, creative and diverse team. Our commitment
does not mean we should. Instead we think of ourselves as creative to delivering our projects on site is important to us as experience
pragmatists, driven as much by project constraints as our collective of the construction process is essential to feedback into the design
imagination. Our job is to turn a straightforward, problem-solving process, designing buildings and making buildings cannot be
response into unique and distinctive architecture, either passive separated. We have invested heavily to ensure that we continually
or active in its setting, that delights both the client and those who evolve our design process to exploit emerging technology. We use
experience it. modelling software that supports current BIM protocols, enabling
both effective interdisciplinary coordination and also an ability to
show clients the look and feel of spaces at an early stage.