Page 6 - Project Birchwood, Melbourn
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Our track record

        3  We have extensive experience of delivering successful masterplans   2015  Cardiff University | Innovation Systems Masterplan   Peter Williams   / Colin Moses
           for a range of clients on a wide variety of urban and greenfield sites.   2015  Cardiff University | Biomedical Campus Masterplan   Peter Williams
                                                                       2015  Bioscience Campus | Colin Moses/ Murdoch Cameron
           In many instances we have gone on to design and deliver new   2014  Cardiff University | Masterplan   Peter Williams
           facilities for those clients as the initial phase of the implementation.  2014  University of Northampton | Avenue Campus Masterplan    Murdoch Cameron
           The majority of our schemes are designed under fixed and limited   2012  University of Northampton | Park Campus Masterplan   Peter Williams/ Murdoch Cameron
           budgets and often these need to be delivered to timescales that are   2012  Buckinghamshire New University | Estate Review   Colin Moses
           mission critical for that institution driven by commercial imperatives.   2011  University of Northampton | Waterside Campus Masterplan   Colin Moses/ Murdoch Cameron
                                                                       2011  University of Bedfordshire | Polhil Campus Masterplan   Peter Williams
           This means that taking a lot of time to value engineer projects is   2010  Harwell Science Innovation Campus | Masterplan   Peter Williams/ Colin Moses
           not possible in any meaningful way, so the budget needs to be   2008  Coventry University | Masterplan   Colin Moses
           understood and designed for from the outset.  We enjoy close   2007  University of Bedfordshire | Development Framework    Colin Moses/ Peter Williams
           working relationships with project management and cost consultancy   2007  West Nottinghamshire College | Masterplan   Colin Moses
           teams and advocate a continuous cost modelling process and a ‘no   2007  BNU | Queen Alexandra Road Masterplan   Murdoch Cameron/ Colin Moses
           surprises’ approach to design development to ease the approval and   2006  University Campus Suffolk | Masterplan   Peter Williams
           sign off process.                                           2004  University of Essex | Research Park Masterplan   Peter Williams
                                                                       2004  BNU | Hughenden Park Masterplan   Colin Moses/ Murdoch Cameron
                                                                       2003  Colworth Research Park  | Masterplan   Murdoch Cameron
                                                                       2003  Cranfield University  | Business Park Masterplan   Peter Williams/ Colin Moses
                                                                       2003  University of East Anglia | Masterplan   Peter Williams
                                                                       2003  University of Hertfordshire | College Lane Campus Masterplan   Murdoch Cameron
                                                                       2002  University of Sheffield | Development Framework   Colin Moses/ Peter Williams
                                                                       1999  University of Hertfordshire | DeHavilland Campus Masterplan Colin Moses/ Murdoch Cameron
                                                                       1994  University of Lincoln | Brayford Pool Masterplan  Colin Moses
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