Page 10 - Project Birchwood, Melbourn
P. 10
Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) Bioscience Masterplan
The Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) is one of the birthplaces of modern molecular The plant towers avoid any transferred vibration, take installation of plant off the critical path,
biology. Many techniques were pioneered at the laboratory, most notably the sequencing reduce duct run lengths and minimise riser penetrations, promoting long term flexibility of
of DNA. Over the years, the work of LMB scientists has attracted 9 Nobel prizes shared occupation. The towers are able to express the functional diagram of the scheme whilst also
amongst 13 LMB scientists, as well as numerous other prizes and scientific awards. being strong sentinel forms that set the character of the building and give it a unique identity.
Following an international search for architects by the Medical Research Council (MRC) in The LMB received the S-Lab 2014 Award for ‘best new building’ Research Category.
2006, Colin Moses was, as part RMJM, appointed to lead the design to deliver forward-
looking facilities in order that the LMB remain a world class research.
Following a competitive selection process, MCW were selected in 2015 to develop
The building enhances the LMB’s ability to attract and retain the best scientists from masterplan proposals for a significant edge of green belt site on behalf of a confidential client.
the worldwide scientific community, and promotes a thriving atmosphere for strategic We generated a series of alternate strategies that encapsulated the aspirational intent of the
international collaboration. The new facility promotes strong, easy and flexible interaction client organisation. The site was particularly challenging in terms of access, existing fabric
between the research groups whilst maintaining an identifiable area with its own ‘front door’, and archaeology (Scheduled Ancient Monument), infrastructure, adjacent SSSI and ecology.
offices, meeting and seminar room facilities The institute promotes the sharing of critical
specialist instrumentation and equipment- this is located centrally and openly accessible Our ideas focused on providing a campus pattern that allowed scope for various functions
–promoting a sense of community and shared endeavour. The concept design challenges and possible uses to be implemented as required but maintained a clear overall structure
the norm for this type of facility with all the air handling plant located in external towers and and a connected landscape solution to reinforce a strong character and sense of identity.
feeding directly into interstitial service floors between occupied research levels. Simple computer modelling was used to study critical visual impact of the alternate schemes.
Unfortunately the project was put on hold in mid 2016.