Page 11 - Project Birchwood, Melbourn
P. 11

Bioscience Masterplan                 Cardiff University Masterplan                           University of Northampton Masterplan

           We were appointed in April 2014 to prepare a Development Framework to support Cardiff   The projects included buildings and infrastructure works. We produced simple massing
           University achieve their ambition for its estate as set out in its ‘Way Forward’ strategic   diagrams to allow the University to understand the scale of the development and working
           document. To develop the spatial brief, we compared the current departmental space, and   with the Project Manager and Cost Consultants also provided programmes and cash flow
           its utilisation, against the HE sector as a whole, and against other Russell Group institutions   forecasts for the project to allow the University to understand the financial implications
           and the results were presented to the Senior Executive Group. We undertook extensive   of the projects. We reported to the University Executive Board monthly. We divided the
           consultations (based on questionnaires and one to one / group meetings) with all senior   process into several development periods: preparation; option development; finalisation and
           members of the University and all departments. We consulted with a range of external   documentation. Each element of the process was signed off by the University before the
           stakeholders including the Local Authority planning department, Network Rail and the NHS   team moved onto the next stage. The masterplan was successfully delivered in December
           Trust at Heath Hospital.                                                   2014 receiving unanimous approval
           From this consultation we produced a long term vision for the University up until 2035.   MCW have been working with the University of Northampton since our formation in 2011.
           This strategy assessed all potential sites around the University and recommended some   Their Waterside Campus Project is one of the most ambitious HE projects in the UK.
           key acquistions. Discussion with senior staff was done at ‘Away Days’. Once the long term   Migrating their existing two campuses onto a single central site in Northampton is seen as
           vision was agreed we developed the Phase 1 projects scopes, which covered the work   critical to their continued business and operational success, bringing operational efficiencies
           required between 2015 and 2025. We constructed a simple 3D model of the University   as well as the potential to exploit cross academic synergies in an exciting innovative
           accommodation which was used to enable detailed discussions with the various client   educational environment. The location allows a substantial part of the University’s residential
           groups. At this stage the University Conditions Survey was available, and this, together with   accommodation to be located immediately adjacent to the new academic accommodation
           the general feedback, was used to target seven key projects.               and to support the adjacent commercial development as part of a holistic approach to
                                                                                      developing the site.
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