Page 8 - Project Birchwood, Melbourn
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Colworth Research Park The Exchange Colworth Colworth Park Research Building Proposal
Building on our relationship with Goodman that we had established designing and delivering The concept enhances the existing quality of the parkland and the historic landscape setting
the de Havilland Campus for the University of Hertfordshire on ex BAE land at Hatfield, of Colworth, by respecting long distance views into the site. The structure of developable
Murdoch and Colin went on to lead the commission to develop Colworth Park as a Joint plots builds on synergies of existing scientific research and provides a legible and safe
Venture project between Unilever and Goodman. network of roads, pedestrian footpaths and cycle paths.
The proposed scheme for Colworth Park aspires to create a world class ‘science park After completing the masterplan, our team went on to design and deliver the first phase of
cluster’ in a distinctive landscape setting which is open, coherent, innovative, sustainable and buildings including the 1,900m2 Knowledge Hub and the 3,200m2 Innovation Centre, now
flexible; a healthy environment with a strong sense of community and memorable identity. collectively called ‘The Exchange’.
The long term development framework is to provide 750,000 ft2 of research space, The success of the relationship at Colworth Park was followed by an invitation to join the
combined with amenity and conference facilities. The sensitive 18th century country house Goodman team in their bid to secure JV partner status with the UKAEA and STFC in order to
and the mature parkland landscape required a close cooperation and intense dialogue promote and develop the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
with the both English Heritage and the LPA. The park also includes an innovation centre, Following a successful bid process which included generating ideas and imagery for a new
restaurant, nursery and leisure facilities.
Innovation Hub. Goodman were selected as JV partners in early 2009. The vision was to
The access issue presented a special challenge as a future access point from the A6 linked create a world leading centre for science and innovation and a key asset to the UK economy.
to capacity trigger required the resolution of the existing highway/junction capacity and Our role was as masterplanner, with an ongoing appointment to design and deliver new build
options for sustainable transport. elements as the project proceeded. Working closely with commercial advisors and agents,
we produced an initial masterplan and visioning material in order to reinforce the Goodman