Page 5 - 2022 Drive Open Enrollment Guide - Non Union
P. 5

Medical and pharmacy coverage – Empire BCBS

       Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare offers a choice of four medical plan options so you can choose the plan that best meets your needs – and
       those of your family. Each plan includes comprehensive health care benefits, free preventive care services and coverage for
       prescription drugs. The below medical and prescription drug coverage options are offered through Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield.

                                         Bronze Plan           Low Plan           Middle Plan         High Plan
       Plan Name / Network
                                         HDHP EPO               HDHP                 EPO               PPO
                                         In-Network    In-Network   Out of Network   In-Network   In-Network  Out of Network
                                          Benefits      Benefits      Benefits      Benefits    Benefits    Benefits
       HSA Employer Contribution  1
       (Individual/Family)                  n/a              $500 / $1,000           n/a                n/a
       Deductible             Individual   $6,500       $2,800        $5,600        $1,500       $500        $1,000
                                 Family   $13,000       $5,600        $11,200       $3,000       $1,000      $2,000
                                          Plan Pays    Plan Pays     Plan Pays     Plan Pays
       Coinsurance                                                                            Plan Pays 80% Plan Pays 70%
                                           100%          90%           70%           80%
       Out-of-Pocket Max
        (Includes Ded, Copays   Individual  $6,500      $5,600        $11,200       $4,000       $2,500      $5,000
        & Coinsurance)           Family   $13,000       $11,200       $22,400       $8,000       $5,000     $10,000
                                                                     30% after                              30% after
       Preventive Care Services         Covered 100%  Covered 100%               Covered 100%  Covered 100%
                                                                     deductible                            deductible
                                        Covered 100%   10% after     30% after   $30 copay / $50   $20 copay /   30% after
       Office Visits (PCP / SCP)
                                       after deductible  deductible  deductible     copay      $40 copay   deductible
                                        Covered 100%   10% after     30% after                              30% after
       X- Ray - Free Standing                                                      $50 Copay   $40 Copay
                                       after deductible  deductible  deductible                            deductible
                                        Covered 100%   10% after     30% after                              30% after
       Lab – Free Standing                                                           100%        100%
                                       after deductible  deductible  deductible                            deductible
       Outpatient Major Diagnostics     Covered 100%   10% after     30% after     20% after    20% after   30% after
       (CT, PET, MRI, Nuclear Medicine)  after deductible  deductible  deductible  deductible  deductible  deductible
                                                                                               $500 copay
                                        Covered 100%   10% after     30% after     20% after                30% after
       Inpatient Hospital (facility fee)                                                       deductible
                                       after deductible  deductible  deductible    deductible              deductible
                                                                                              does not apply
       Inpatient Hospital               Covered 100%   10% after     30% after     20% after    20% after   30% after
       (doctor & other services)       after deductible  deductible  deductible    deductible  deductible  deductible
                                                                                               $200 copay
                                        Covered 100%   10% after     30% after     20% after                30% after
       Outpatient Surgery (facility fee)                                                       deductible
                                       after deductible  deductible  deductible    deductible              deductible
                                                                                              does not apply
       Outpatient Surgery               Covered 100%   10% after     30% after     20% after    20% after   30% after
       (physician/surgeon)             after deductible  deductible  deductible    deductible  deductible  deductible
                                        Covered 100%   10% after     30% after
       Urgent Care Services                                                        $50 copay   $40 copay   $40 copay
                                       after deductible  deductible  deductible
                                        Covered 100%
       Emergency Room                                      10% after deductible   $250 copay         $250 copay
                                       after deductible
                                                                     30% after                              30% after
       Virtual Visits/TeleHealth Benefits  $59 copay   $59 copay                   $0 copay     $0 copay
                                                                     deductible                            deductible
       Prescription Drugs
       Rx Deductible                                    Medical Deductible Applies  $100 per person  N/A      N/A
                                      Deductible Applies
       Retail (Up to 31-day supply)     Covered 100%  $15 / $50 / $80  Not Covered  $15 / $50 / $80 $15 / $50 / $80  Not Covered
                                                      $30 / $100 /                $30 / $100 /   $30 / $100 /
       Mail Order (Up to 90-day supply)  Covered 100%               Not Covered                            Not Covered
                                                         $160                        $160        $160

       Important Notes
         •  Certain Preventive drugs are covered at 100% and not subject to the medical deductible on the HDHP. For more information
            and to obtain the list of Preventive Core drugs, please visit
         •  This is a synopsis of coverage only; the benefits summary contains exclusions and limitations that are not shown here. Please
            refer to the benefits summary for the full scope of coverage.
        1 The HSA employer contribution will be prorated based on the month your plan becomes effective.           5
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