Page 20 - NRDC Benefits Guide for 2022
P. 20

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

       Limited Purpose FSA
                                                                              Expenses for the Healthcare FSA,

       A Limited Purpose FSA is much like the Healthcare FSA                  Limited Purpose FSA, and
       and complements your HSA. The 2022 IRS maximum                         Dependent Care FSA need to be
       contribution is $2,850. However, under the Limited                     incurred by December 31 of the plan
       Purpose FSA, eligible expenses are limited to qualifying               year to be eligible for
       dental and vision care expenses for you, your spouse,                  reimbursement.
       and your eligible dependents until you meet your health
       plan's deductible.                                                     You have until March 31 of the
                                                                              following year to submit claims
                                                                              for reimbursement.
        Dependent Care FSA

        During annual enrollment, you decide how much to set
        aside for this account. You may contribute up to $5,000
        per year per household, or up to $2,500 if you are                    Cigna Mobile App
        married and file separate tax returns. Eligible dependents
        include children younger than age 13 and dependents of                Access your benefits on the go 24/7
        any age who are incapable of caring for themselves                    with the Cigna mobile app. The free
        because of mental or physical disability. The dependent               app gives you convenient access to all
        care services must be necessary to allow you, or you                  your benefits accounts in one spot. This
        and your spouse if you are married, to work or attend                 makes it easy to use your hard-earned
                                                                              dollars and view recent activity without
        school full-time. Dependent care expenses are                         ever needing to call in. Download the
        reimbursable as long as the provider is not anyone                    app for free on Apple and Android
        considered your dependent for income tax purposes.                    devices.

        A complete list of eligible expenses can be found in IRS              You can always access your account
        Publication 503. The link to this list can be found on the            on or by calling Cigna at
        website                                                      800-244-6224.

        Please note that dependent medical expenses cannot be
        reimbursed with this account, and you cannot transfer
        money from the dependent care flexible spending
        account to any other type of spending account.

        To be reimbursed, you will be asked to provide the tax
        identification number of the party providing care when
        submitting receipts.

        You will NOT be able to roll over current dependent care
        funds to the following plan year. Any remaining funds will
        be forfeited.

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