Page 24 - NRDC Benefits Guide for 2022
P. 24
Commuter Benefits
Transit Benefit
This benefit allows you to set aside pre-tax earnings to pay for your work-related
transit and parking costs. The 2022 IRS limit for parking expenses is $280 per month;
the 2022 limit for mass transit expenses is $280 per month. You are able to set aside
additional amounts on a post-tax basis.
How it Works: Smart Commute
Enroll by the 7th of the month to have funds For participants in the Washington, D.C., Chicago,
available for the following month. and San Francisco areas, WEX Benefits offers
Monthly elections are divided between your SmartCommute. Once you purchase your SmarTrip
two pay checks — if you elect $200, you will Ventra or Clipper card you can log in to your WEX
see a deduction of $100 per check. commuter account to register and load pre-tax
You will receive a WEX Commuter Card dollars onto your SmarTrip, Ventra, or Clipper card.
WEX will take care of sending your order
and/or a WEX Parking Card you can use to information to the transit authority. Remember, you
pay for eligible transit and parking costs. must do this by the 10th of the month prior to using
You can only use the amount that has been benefits. Contact WEX Benefits for help with
accumulated in your account. SmartCommute, 866-451-3399. Select option 1,
You should always save receipts (even then select option 1 again.
when using the WEX Commuter card).
Your balance will remain on the card and Ride Share Programs
roll over from year to year as long as you
are an active employee. Did you know that you can utilize your pre-tax
Download the WEX Benefits mobile app for transit elections to pay for ride sharing programs
access to your account on the go. like Via, UberPool. and Lyft Line? For more
Log into the WEX Benefits website— your information, visit the Benefits Showcase.
secure participant login for managing your
accounts, viewing balances and submitting Bicycle Reimbursement Benefit
To log in, go to and click on NRDC employees are eligible for reimbursement of
Login in the upper right corner. You can bicycle maintenance and/or equipment purchase
then create a new account. You will also costs if commuting to work via bicycle 12 or more
receive a welcome email from WEX days per month. Reimbursement is $25 per
Benefits with instructions on how to create qualifying month, up to $300 maximum per calendar
your account once your enrollment is year. Please keep in mind that this is a taxable
processed. benefit.
Reimbursement processing:
Complete a benefits reimbursement claim form,
Questions? Contact customer service by attach the required documentation, and submit to
calling 866-451-3399 or sending an email to within 60 days of incurring the expense. If possible, highlight the
item description and cost when sending it.