Page 26 - NRDC Benefits Guide for 2022
P. 26

Retirement Savings (continued)

        NRDC Matching Contribution

        In addition, NRDC will match 1% of your eligible                       457(b) Savings Plan
        compensation per pay period when you meet the following
        conditions:                                                            In addition to the 403(b) plan,
                                                                               eligible employees in key
         You have reached two years of eligible service; and                  management positions may also
         You make elective deferrals to the plan equal to 3% or               accumulate funds for future
           more of your eligible compensation for the pay period.
                                                                               retirement (or other financial
         NRDC Contribution Vesting Schedule                                    needs) through the 457(b) Savings
                                                                               Plan. This Plan is a non-qualified

         You manage this account by selecting the investments. You             Plan under Section 457(b) of the
         are always 100% vested in your deferrals to the NRDC                  Internal Revenue Code.
         403(b) Tax Deferred Annuity Plan, as well as any earnings
         on them. NRDC's contributions and any earnings vest                   To participate in this Plan, your job
         according to the following schedule:                                  role must be a G5 or Shape.

                                                                               This non-qualified plan of deferred
             When you reach…                  We will vest…                    compensation will benefit eligible

                                        50% of non-elective                    employees who already contribute
          1 year of eligible service                                           the maximum permitted under the
                                                                               403(b) plan, as it affords them the
                                        100% of non-elective                   opportunity to defer additional
          2 years of eligible           contributions and 100% of              compensation each year.
                                        matching contributions                 Contributions to the 457(b) Plan
                                                                               are deducted from your pay before
                                                                               federal income taxes are withheld,
          Website:                                         with the exception of FICA taxes,
          Customer Service: 800.343.0860                                       and will not be included as income
                                                                               on your W-2 form at the end of the
          Under certain circumstances, you may take loans or                   year. This reduces the amount you
          hardship withdrawals from your account balance. If you are           owe in current income taxes.
          interested in doing so, please call Fidelity at the “800”
          number above to find out wore information and discuss any            Should you have any questions
          plan or IRS restrictions.                                            about your eligibility, contact the
                                                                               Benefits Team at
          Once you leave NRDC, the vested portion of NRDC's          
          contributions and 100% of your contributions will
          remain in your account as long as funds are retained in it,
          and you will receive regular statements of deposits and
          earnings from Fidelity.

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