Page 3 - NRDC Benefits Guide for 2022
P. 3

Who’s Eligible

        Active regular employees                          Your Eligible Dependents
        (NRDCers) who are scheduled to
        work at least 20 hours per week                   Dependents eligible for coverage include:
        are eligible to for NRDC benefits.
                                                             Your spouse to whom you are legally married,

        If you are eligible, you can elect                     or a registered domestic partner
        coverage for yourself, your eligible                 Your or your spouse’s unmarried child(ren) up
        spouse and/or your eligible                            to age 26, including a biological child, a
        dependent child(ren) up to age 26.
                                                               stepchild, a legally adopted child, a foster
        Paid interns are eligible for certain                  child, or a child for whom you or your spouse
        benefits. Contact the Benefits                         are the legal guardian
        team for details.                                    An unmarried child aged 26 or older who is or

                                                               becomes disabled and is dependent on you
        Dependent Enrollment                                 A child for whom healthcare coverage is

                                                               required through a qualified medical child
        You must select the dependent(s)
        you want to enroll in each plan to                     support order
        make sure they are included in that
        benefit coverage.

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