Page 4 - NRDC Benefits Guide for 2022
P. 4

When to Enroll

        Annual Open Enrollment                                   Qualifying Life Events

        Each year during open enrollment, you have               When one of the following events occurs,
        the opportunity to re-evaluate your benefits             you have 31 days from the date of the event
        needs to adjust your coverage for the                    to request changes to your coverage in our
        upcoming plan year.                                      HR platform Dayforce.

        Once you make your benefits selections,                  Your change in coverage must be
        you may not change them during the year                  consistent with your change in status.
        unless you have a qualifying life event. All
        changes made during open enrollment are                  Qualifying life events include:
        effective January 1 of the following year.                A change in legal marital status
                                                                  A change in the number of your eligible

        New Hires                                                   dependents
                                                                  A change in your spouse’s employment

        Regular NRDCers scheduled to work at                        status (resulting in loss or gain of
        least 20 hours per week are eligible for                    coverage)
        coverage. Paid interns are eligible for                   A change in your benefits eligibility status
        certain benefits. Contact the Benefits team              When Coverage Begins
        for details.
                                                                 Coverage for new hires begin the first day
        You must enroll within 30 days of your start             of the month following your hire date.
        date. If you miss this initial eligibility period,
        your next opportunity to enroll will be annual           However, if your hire date is the first
        open enrollment.                                         business day of the month, your benefits

                                                                 start on that day. For example, if you are
                                                                 hired on Monday, March 3, your benefits
                                                                 start March 3.

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