Page 6 - NRDC Benefits Guide for 2022
P. 6
Medical Insurance
NRDC offers two medical plan options through Cigna—the Open Access Plus plan
and the Open Access Plus HDHP plan. Both plans provide you with both in-
network and out-of-network access. In-network services are less expensive
compared to out-of-network services
In-Network Services Out-of-Network Services
You will be able to utilize the Cigna Open Under both plans, you can visit doctors and
Access Plus network for in-network services. facilities that do not participate in the Cigna
In-network preventive care* (annual wellness network. But when you receive non-
visit) is covered at 100%. emergency, out-of-network medical care, it’s
The Open Access Plus plan does not have an important to remember:
in-network deductible; office visits and other Your share of the costs will be higher
services are covered by a co-pay. compared with what you’d pay for in-
The Open Access Plus HDHP plan has a network care. You will be responsible
deductible that must be met first, before co-pays for the plan co-insurance of the cost
or co-insurance is applied. after your deductible has been met.
Once the out-of-pocket maximum is met, you Your doctor can bill you directly for any
will pay no more for covered expenses for the amount above the maximum
rest of the year. reimbursable charge. You are
responsible for paying that amount and
these charges don’t apply to your out-
of-pocket maximum or deductibles.
*The medical plan pays for preventive health benefits based on recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Any physical visits or services to manage a previously
diagnosed condition are not considered preventive.
Note: Maximum reimbursable charges are determined by Cigna and based on Reasonable and Customary Rates
Questions for Cigna?
To learn more about Cigna coverage before you enroll, call Cigna One Guide 24/7 at 1-800-244-6224 for:
Detailed information on your benefit plans
Help finding participating doctors and other healthcare professionals
Additional Cigna tools and resources to help you get and stay healthy
Glossary of Terms
Deductible co-insurance co-pay
The amount you pay each year The percentage of the total cost A flat fee that you pay for medical
toward healthcare expenses before of a service that you will be services, regardless of the actual
the medical plan starts paying responsible for paying. Once you amount your provider charges.
benefits meet the applicable deductible, The co-pay is paid at the time of
you will begin paying the specified service.
Refer to the medical chart on the next page to see how these terms apply to your medical benefits