Page 25 - 2022 AEO FT HO Book CAN ENG
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Here’s How It Works
              Mary is an Assistant Manager who has worked for 2 years and makes $32,000 a
              year ($1230.77 a pay). Mary is eligible for a company match of 100% of the first 3%
              and 25% of the next 3% of pay that she contributes because she has more than
              1 year of service. To get started, Mary only has to contribute 1% of her pay. That’s
              only $12.31 per pay and she can see how quickly her dollars will add up. The match
              is  free  money!  Here  is  how  the  match would  work  depending  on  the  amount  she
              chooses to contribute:

                                                       ANNUAL                              ANNUAL
                   ANNUAL          ASSOCIATE         ASSOCIATE          COMPANY           COMPANY
                   SALARY        CONTRIBUTION      CONTRIBUTION        PERCENTAGE          MATCH
                                                      AMOUNT                              AMOUNT
                   $32,000              1%               $320              100%              $320

                   $32,000             2%                $640              100%              $640                      OPTIONAL BENEFITS

                   $32,000              3%               $960              100%              $960

                                                                        100% of 3%;
                   $32,000              4%              $1,280                              $1,040
                                                                         25% of 1%
                                                                        100% of 3%;
                   $32,000              5%              $1,600                              $1,120
                                                                         25% of 2%
                                                                        100% of 3%;
                   $32,000              6%              $1,920                              $1,200
                                                                         25% of 3%

              The name of each fund available under the plan appears on the RRSP enrolment
              portal after you’ve selected your contribution percentage. Financial advisors are
              just a click away to help you understand your risk tolerance and to make a plan to
              meet your financial goals. The amount allocated to each fund should be expressed on
              your enrolment form in percentages that total 100%. It is important that you take
              an active role in your Savings Plan, as your decisions (or lack thereof) will affect the
              amount of money accumulated for your future.
                                                                                         PLEASE NOTE
              Enrolling                                                                  Enrolment  is  as  easy  as

              If you’re new to AEO, Sun Life will send you an invitation to enrol. Watch for   1-2-3.
              your  invitation  email.  For  information  about  the  plan’s  available  investment
              funds, go to and login using your email and Employee ID,   Sign  in  and  select  your
              or call SunLife at 1.866.896.6984. Submit your completed enrolment online    contribution percentage
              by choosing the investment menu and following the prompts to select your    and investment mix.
              contribution percentage and your investment choices.
                                                                                         Sunlife  is here  to  help
                                                                                         at 1.866.896.6984, and
                                                                                         your Benefits Team is
                                                                                         here to help at:

              FULL TIME AND REGULAR PART-TIME BENEFITS — OPTIONAL BENEFITS                                         23

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