Page 5 - TST PART B- Coronationville High School
P. 5


               An ideal teacher uses both collaborative learning and also direct teaching, in order to make sure
               that teaching and learning occurs in the classroom. Collaborative learning allows the teacher and
                                                         student  to  work  together  in  the  classroom  to  share
                                                         common knowledge, the learners also discuss among

                                                         An ideal teacher teaches today the kind of learning
                                                         children need for tomorrow. In this regard creativity,
                                                         innovation, critical thinking and problem solving which
                                                         are  needed  as  21st  century  skills  are  focused  on
                                                         through  innovative  and  self-organized  learning
                                                         environments  that  are  deliberately  and  mindfully

               An ideal teacher understands that learners learn
               best when they learn from themselves and also
               from the teacher, therefore he will allow learners
               to learn from each other and allow them to make
               mistakes so that they learn from them. “An ideal
               teacher  allows  learners  to  make  mistakes
               because he understand that learners learn best
               when they make mistakes”

               An ideal teacher does not assume that every
               learner knows everything, but he will find out from the learners through question and answers,
               he also uses different teaching strategies and different tool that allow learners to learn better.
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