P. 2
After winning the Taylor and Francis RFP in February, the sales momentum is really picking up. We have since
won other contracts – AIP (American Institute of Physicists) and APS (American Physical Society)- not large but
INDIA OPS/ E-PUBLISHING Press) and for which we need to bid by the end of April. Our sales target is stiff for next year – 50% greater than
which adds to the sales goals. There are three more RFPs that we are attending to (including Oxford University
2018, and every bit counts.
The annual trade show – Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) – is being held in Chicago this time end of May, and
we’ve taken a booth to showcase all the tools that we have developed. BoardShare tools will also be on display. We
need to make this a super success.
On the India operations side, the integration of Katalyst Pune and Nova Techset is nearing completion, barring a
few stray processes. In the mean-time with the acquisition of Panacea Technology, another integration need to be
done, and which will be completed by end May.
Vivek Nagarkatti
The Apparel Vertical is rapidly growing. We have created a partnership with Apparel Magic where we are
the exclusive implementation, integration and enhancement consultants. Apparel Magic has a number one
Search Engine Optimization for Apparel ERP’s and is well known in the industry. As a result we are receiving
numerous leads every month and we are closing small and some large deals on a weekly basis. Thanks
to the hard work of Joe on Sales and Nixon on delivery for making this happen. We have also created a
number of integrations to third party products such as Quickbooks, SkuVault (WMS), SPS (EDI). Next week
will be launching our own B2B Sales solution for the Apparel Industry call “Sales Katalyst”. It allows Sales
Associates to download SKU’s from Apparel Magic or other ERP’s and showcase them with pictures to their
customers. This product is in high demand and Apparel Magic will be listing it on their Website. As result we
can sell the product online through an online shopping cart.
Allen Frank