Page 74 - Bugle Issue 16 Autumn 2020
P. 74
It has been another busy year for the RIFLES badged Cadets within Dorset ACF both
prior to and since the COVID-19 situation.
In March Cadet CSM Lilly-Mae Nennstiel of Christchurch Detachment was appointed
at Dorset ACF’s Cadet RSM, presented with her new rank slide by A/Comdt Lt Col Andy Garrett whilst attending a Company training weekend at Chickerell. The former Lord-Lieutenants Cadet was also congrat- ulated by the ACF Ambassador and star
of Channel 4’s Hunted – Jordan Wylie who attended the camp.
During the initial stages of the lockdown RSM Nennstiel produced several video messages to the Cadets within Dorset ACF to maintain a positive mindset and encourage their virtual participation in the many online training opportunities – showing leadership in true RIFLES style.
Two RIFLES Detachments were also visited by Officers from 6 RIFLES for their Annual Inspections, Maj Taylor visited Lytchett and Upton whilst Capt Tin visited Christchurch, both concluded their visits full of praise for the Cadets and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers they met. We’d like to thank them both for their time and constructive comments during their visits and hope to see them again soon.
Hot on the heels of the official RIFLES
edition of Monopoly there will be a new
ACF version which will feature a RIFLES Badged Detachment from Dorset. Cadet Eden Armstrong from Christchurch was one of four Cadets across the UK who won a writing competition describing why their Detachment was the best and as a result his Detachment will feature on the popular boardgame as well as receiving a copy for himself and the Detachment. Well done Cadet Armstrong.
RSM Lilly-Mae Nennstiel with
A/Cmdt Andy Garrett
RSM Lilly-Mae Nennstiel with
ACF Ambassador Jordan Wylie
Max Heron and Gary Cooper:
Sons of Major John Chips Heron MC and
Regimental Sergeant-Major Gary Cooper DCM
Keep Military Museum, Dorchester
During the pandemic, the Museum started a fundraising appeal
– Keep the Keep Going – which raised over £40,000 to help cover our summer losses. We also published a new book – The Keep
in 50 Objects – which was researched by a team of 30 staff and volunteers and generously funded by Keep Friends. We are still working on ‘Bosnia25,’ a project to mark the deployment of the 1st Bn Devon and Dorsets to the region in 1995, with the aim of hosting a special event in 2021.
The Museum is open to the public however pre-booking is required. Entry for Riflemen remains free.
it was an honour
to be able to help at this time of national emergency
In early March, a call came from the Devon- shire and Dorset Regimental Association Chairman, Bill Sharpe, to ask if any of the branch members would be willing to help with the running of Covid Testing centres, which the Government would be setting
up. The word went out and very quickly eight names were submitted from the branch. A training day was planned and when they arrived, there were another 6 Regimental members from a 25-mile radius of Exeter. Selections took place and training undertaken and the testing station went live on the 23rd March. The group was divided into two shifts of 49 persons on each shift. The roles on site were to man traffic lanes
to test bays, where members of the public were given a Test Kit to carry out their own test or be tested by trained individuals at the assisted bays. Once completed, cars were
guided off the site. The site was open 7 days a week from 8am until 8pm.
The Branch held
several days of
military Remem-
brance – VE Day, Regimental Day – 16th May, Battle of Britain Day and on Armed Forces Day, they flew the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment’s flag, as they were the military unit carrying out the Mobile Testing Stations.
From a Regimental point of view, it was
an honour to be able to help at this time of national emergency. The Regimental members turned out from across the County, some are still on site while others have returned to work or ended their commitment.
Grateful thanks to them all. Semper Fidelis.
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