Page 73 - Bugle Issue 16 Autumn 2020
P. 73
Crisis, what crisis?
The ACF participated in all
aspects of Gloucester’s day
Challenging training
remains key
Somerset ACF visited
Cadet Buglers set the standard
Portland Olympic Sailing Centre
Maintaining communication!
Gloucestershire ACF has been going through a period of significant change. Colonel Sandra Nicholson is now confirmed as the Commandant. Major Matthew Fellows, the new Cadet Executive Officer (CEO), has a back- ground with the RA and Glos ACF while the new Quartermaster, Captain Scott Tait, was the former RSM. The new RSM is Ruth Bilboe who is ex RMP and trans- ferred from Hereford and Worcester ACF. During lockdown the new leadership team has been ‘Forming and Norming’ and will soon be ‘Stormin’ as Op REGENERATE kicks in. Meanwhile memories of the Camp in 2019, at St Martin’s Plain, are still fresh. Highlights included challenging and innovative fieldcraft, shooting and TIBUA training with much being brought to life by
the excellent SW Cadet Training Team. Expeditions, adventure training, clay shooting and a visit to Thorpe Park also played its part. It was a great camp and a marvellous opportunity to build teams amongst adults and cadets.
Bristol ACF travelled to the North West, and beyond Liverpool to Altcar for their annual camp. Somerset decided
to split down the middle with half going south to Chickerell and the other half going to Yoxter on the Mendip Hills. Remaining in the county for annual camp may not sound exciting but both halves worked really well achieving much successful training. Important to the work of most ACFs are respective charitable trusts. Bristol and Somerset have a UK Registered Charities. The objects of the Somerset ACF Trust Deed are typical of others and include making grants to enhance the variety of activi- ties on offer while supporting those from less well-off families. Such grants ensure that all are fully included in all activities. Within Somerset, Brigadier Richard Toomey, The Rifles County Colonel also chairs the cohort of trustees. Encour- aging regimental representation within such important areas works well and brings benefit of all. Meanwhile during COVID, Adult Instructors in all ACFs have helped to maintain morale, often while facing difficulty themselves, and all are looking forward to better times.
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