Page 139 - MBS 2022/23
P. 139

Headquarters Land Warfare Centre (HQ LWC) is the two-star organisation located in Waterloo
Lines, Warminster, and led by the Director (DLW), Major General Christopher Barry CBE. In short, DLW is the Army’s ‘Training Officer’ who trains military personnel throughout their career; prepares them for pending Operations; and leads the way in adapting the Army of today and shaping the Army of tomorrow. Within the HQ, the PD team comprises Maj Jason Murdoch (SO2 PD) and WO1 Shaun Pyburn (SMI PD).
Since arriving in LWC, I’ve been extremely impressed by the high standards that’s being set by the current cohort of QMSIs, all who continually work in demanding and challenging Initial and Subsequent Trade Training (ITT / STT) roles across all LWC units. Whilst there’s been many highlights this past year, far too many to mention, I’d like to take this opportunity and focus on what I feel are a few that standout.
In Jul 22, we established the first QMSIs’ Briefing Seminar, which was attended by twenty-five of our QMSIs and SNCOs within the Group. This laid the foundations for success and early indications suggest that this was well-received by all in attendance. In Jan 23, a similar seminar convened that included those QMSIs from ARITC (Basic Training (BT)), with over forty in attendance where the prominent focus was to establish / enhance efficient communications and close the training gap between BT and ITT. The third iteration was a QMSIs’ Development Day hosted by the Infantry Battle School (IBS) in Brecon that involved a short team walk [some gentle Phys] up that well-known feature called ‘Pen-Y-Fan,’ and then an evening ‘social event’ back at the Infantry Mess.
For the PD Team, being able to travel freely (post-COVID) and visit the LWC QMSIs
SO2 and SMI (New HQ)
WO1 (SMI) S Pyburn RAPTC
   QMSI’s Briefing Seminar (The Team)
and RAPTCIs across the breadth of the UK and overseas (Canada, Kenya, Belize) has proved essential. It’s allowed us to re-establish those invaluable links with all of our ITT / STT training organisations, not only on a professional aspect but also personally; you can’t beat ‘Face-to-Face’ interaction, so long may this continue. As I approach my 29th year of service, it is an honour and a privilege to be assigned to LWC as the SMI PD...!
SO2 and SMI (Pen-Y-Fan)
  QMSI Development Day Top of Pen-Y-Fan (Op Teamwork)
BATUS visit (post PDA - soaking up the culture)

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