Page 141 - MBS 2022/23
P. 141

  Having been with this unit since June 2022, I feel I have fully embedded into the Initial Trade Training (ITT)
space. An extremely fast tempo training environment, that is far different from that of my old skin rubbing days. However, it’s one that I am thoroughly enjoying and feeling extremely welcomed by the Army Aviation Centre (AACen).
I had some very big boots to fill on arriving at the unit with my predecessor WO1 (SMI) Marshall having done an amazing job creating a new gym following the aftermath of COVID. I quickly took the opportunity to build upon his great work and continued to further develop the gym. The aim here at the AACen is to create an environment that welcomes all personnel with varying fitness abilities into the gym and build a culture of wanting to train whilst striving to always improve on fitness. What better audience could you ask for to influence than that of the next generation of the Army in ITT.
The gym here has a slightly different staff structure compared to other training establishments. There are no AAPTIs assigned to the gym, instead it has 4 highly competent and hardworking Specialist Instructional Officers (SIOs) and I, who manage the facilities and the PT programmes. However, since June I have managed to get several personnel
WO2 (QMSI) D Gledhill RAPTC
 from across the AACen onto the AAPTI course. Although not permanently in the gym, my army of white vests are in strong appearance on all PT and are making a real impact supporting the SIOs.
The unit is split into 3 Sqns. Although its main output is the training of those in
ITT, it delivers so much more behind the scenes throughout the year including the delivery of ALDP courses, Air Corps Subsequent Trade Training (STT) courses, new officers’ courses, Defence Train the Trainer (DTTT) and all Army Air Corps Reserve courses. A great unit for adhering to policy, the CO, Lt Col Green, is a strong advocate of all these courses continuing to conduct PT whilst with us. Given the arduous nature of some of the courses, the use of tactical PT has increased throughout all the training programmes which has been extremely well received by the unit.
A highlight of my time so far at the regiment has been winning the Army Sports Trophy Competition Minor Unit Trophy. To be invited to the award ceremony as a unit representative was really fulfilling and the night was fantastic.
If the first 9-months at this great unit is anything to go by, this is going to be one of my favourite assignments in the Corps.
2 AAC Personnel conducting Tactical PT
  WO2 (QMSI) Gledhill and 2AAC Representatives receiving the ASTC Minor Units’ Trophy
Army Aviation Centre (AACen) Gym Entrance

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