Page 142 - MBS 2022/23
P. 142

What does it take to deliver Initial Trade Training (ITT) and Subsequent Trade Training (STT) to circa 1200 service personnel (SP) per year, while enhancing Physical Training (PT), sport, and Adventurous Training (AT) for a further 300+ permanent staff? A team that is totally professional, resilient, highly motivated and focused on the task at hand; this is what we currently have on the Gym Staff at 3 RSME Regt.
It seems like only last week that I assumed the role of QMSI PD, however I find myself well established after nearly a full year in post. Having witnessed a ramp up in course numbers, following a reduction through the pandemic, the team quickly adapted to what is required of them by producing fit and robust trainees and trained soldiers attending a variety of courses that take place here at Gibraltar Barracks. Due to their efforts, professionalism, and work ethic, I therefore feel extremely privileged to be in this position and working alongside the brilliant team we currently have at 3 RSME Regt.
There have been many highlights this year, too many to mention in this short article, but I would like to focus on what I feel are the very best.
Members of 3 RSME Regt who took part in Trailwalker 22
Lt Col Price RE, Commanding Officer 3 RSME Regt, presenting LCpl Cruikshank with her fastest female lap from EX MINLEY CHASE
EX MINLEY CHASE is a 24-hour running event that takes place each year at 3 RSME Regt. Each team of 8 must complete as many laps of a 5.5km trail route as possible in a 24-hour period. This year, 8 teams from across the unit took on the challenge with the RHQ team taking the victory, completing a total of 55 laps.
3 RSME Regt entered 3 teams into Trailwalker 2022. The event sees teams of 4 take on a brutal 100km route across the South Downs, starting at Queen Elizabeth Country Park and finishing at Brighton racecourse. A challenging event that tested the teams with the demanding terrain.
In September 2022, 3 RSME Regt played host to the Army Weightlifting coaching staff and team, who conducted a development day, which saw several SP from across the Army receive elite level coaching from the very best weightlifting coaches the Army has to offer. A very successful day and a great opportunity to identify talent for the future.
In January 2023, individuals from 3 RSME Regt took part in EX MINLEY POWDER, an AT Skiing Exped to Austria. Individuals had a challenging but fun-packed week of alpine skiing and touring across Stubai
Sgt (SI) Muskwe RAPTC alongside Capt (MAA) McMullen RAPTC during the Army Athletics OSV to Australia
Team RHQ looking fresh during Trailwalker 22
Glacier. Individuals also got the opportunity to develop their skillset and confidence on the snow achieving Ski Foundation 1, 2, and 3 qualifications.
Sgt (SI) Muskwe RAPTC has had a great start to his post here at 3 RSME Regt. Finding the time around a demanding job as SI of the P&RTC, he attended the Army Athletics OSV to Australia. In his role of Assistant Team Coach, he delivered several sessions to the top athletes in the Army.
WO2 (QMSI) Mairs RAPTC had the opportunity to attend the Royal Marines Close Combat Instructor Trainer course. Along with SSgt (SSI) Gilmore RAPTC, they are the first Army personnel in history to attend the course, which is normally reserved for RM PT Branch. A physically demanding 4-weeks of instruction and training culminated in an extremely arduous final exercise. Both RAPTCIs were successful in passing the course, with QMSI Mairs taking the top student award.
As always, the delivery of PT never stops and as we close out another fantastic training year, I can only hope that the upcoming year is as successful for both my Gym Staff and 3 RSME Regt as a whole.
Members of 3 RSME Regt who took part in EX MINLEY POWDER, the Regiment Skiing Exped to Austria
WO2 (QMSI) Mairs RAPTC with the ‘Top Student’ award from the RMCC IT course

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