Page 79 - MBS 2022/23
P. 79

                                 After serving with the Scots Guards over the last 18-months, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as their RAPTCI. We have built a strong relationship which has enabled me to deploy on seven overseas Exs / Ops and establish routine roles of mostly a Physical Development (PD) nature. Whilst my time with the Battalion has been extremely busy, it has been incredibly rewarding and I wish their newly assigned RAPTCI the best of luck in what I can only describe as a professional and hardworking Battalion which is steeped in military tradition.
Ex TARTAN SUN (Ex TS) was a two sub-unit Overseas Training Exercise (OTX) that took place between 2-30 May 22 in Cyprus. Initially my role was to provide the assurance and delivery of the Acclimatisation prior to the OTX, but I seized the opportunity to submit an application and provide an AT package from 23-27 May 22. The package consisted of mountain- biking and hillwalking around Troodos Mountains. Whilst I initially struggled for Instructors, SSgt (SSI) Podmore RAPTC stepped forward to assist, taking time out of his own unit responsibilities. The week was a complete success and saw 24
junior members of the Bn through some challenging AT.
Op INTERFLEX was established to train Ukrainian volunteers in battle- winning skills to help assist Ukraine in their war against Russia. The Battalion
(General George Patton)
SSgt (SSI) B Sargent RAPTC
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity
  SSgt (SSI) B Sargent / SSgt (SSI) N Podmore Delivering AT in Cyprus
were informed that they would be the lead unit for the first tranche of the newly established Operation. The Op was a great success, but didn’t disappoint in terms of its challenges. The location of this Trg was delivered at Lydd Camp during one of the hottest summers it has witnessed to date. My role was to assist in the planning cycles to establish a workable programme that would sit in line with the Work / Rest tables set out in JSP 375. Although challenging, it was a great experience and the Battalion / Ukrainians received zero heat-related casualties or exertional collapses, which considering the circumstances and conditions was
The Battalion deployed to Kenya on Ex ASKARI STORM in Feb 22 as Task Force Hannibal (TFH) alongside 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards (1CG) – who were the lead Battle Group (BG). I was fortunate enough to deploy alongside SSgt (SSI) C Grose (1CG RAPTCI) to deliver the BG acclimatisation package and the delivery / organisation of the planned AT. Whilst we reminisced about the good old Pirbright days, we were soon set to task and delivered a successful PD exposure to the BG / TFH. This involved assistance / direction from the BATUK PD team, Maj (MAA) J Yates RAPTC and WO2 (QMSI) J Stapleton RAPTC.
 Scots Guards conducting AT in Kenya

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