Page 87 - MBS 2022/23
P. 87

                                 Since the last MBS submission, the Bde HQ has resubordinated under Regional Command and is
functioning as a devolved administration Regional Point of Command (RPoC). Despite losing its operational capability, output and tempo have both remained high, and the PD Branch has been at the forefront supporting PTE uplifts, delivering Army Reserve Physical Training Leader courses and facilitating a small but effective regional Sports plan. Closer to home, the Branch, supported by Sgt Wilding-Mosley, have developed the Redford Barracks Gym back into a fully functional training facility to serve many of the minor units across central Scotland. Acknowledging work remains ongoing, the project continues to show its worth and is proving to be a valuable asset to many.
Like all RPoC HQs, a year seldom goes by without a call-up to support UK Ops. Sadly, this year’s effort came in the form of Op UNICORN, where the Bde HQ coordinated the military contingent for the ceremonial events following the passing of Her Majesty the Queen. Despite this being an extremely sombre moment for the nation, it was an extremely proud one for the Bde Staff and the service personnel involved.
As I reflect on what has felt like my fastest two-year assignment, I pay homage to WO2 Tony Moretti and the regional RAPTCIs whose support to regional PD output has been exceptional. As I depart for JSMTW (Halton), I thank Team Scotland for a great two years and wish them all the very best for the future – Slange Var.
SSgt Sansom and Sgt Wilding-Mosley delivering a regional Weightlifting Workshop
Capt (MAA) P Newton RAPTC
   Welcoming Capt (MAA) ‘Kel’ Noteyoung RAPTC
 PD Warriors of Scotland during Ex NORTHERN LIGHTS

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