Page 10 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 10
Combined Cadet Froce
The Platoon sets off on patrol
Cadets Reid and Houseman
building their basha
Both the Army and RAF Sections spent a weekend at Warcop Training Camp, Cumbria in March taking part in Exercise First Step. This was a fieldcraft training exercise and for many of the cadets it was their first experience of living in the field.
Major Steve Emerson led the exercise which began with explaining and demonstrating the principles of Patrol Harbours. With demonstration from visiting members of the Yorkshire Regiment, cadets learnt about camouflage and concealment and how and why it is vital. After learning the best technique in applying camouflage cream effectively, so as not to be seen by the enemy, all cadets enjoyed putting it into practice, some more enthusiastically than others!
Using bashas, bungees, tent pegs and safely making use of woodland around them the cadets built their sleeping shelters for the night ahead. Another valuable skill learnt during the weekend was cooking in the field. Needless to say, after a day’s action everyone had a great appetite, and the ration packs went down a treat.
The weekend was a huge success. Together with learning practical skills such as building sleeping
shelters and cooking outdoors, the cadets developed and improved other crucial skills including self-reli- ance, self-confidence and team building.
QE CCF would like to thank members of the Yorkshire Regiment Information Team for supporting the exercise.
Cpl Walsh instructing her Section
Cadet Ah-Sing gets ready
for clearance patrol