Page 14 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 14
Flt Lt Rick Lyon, WO Colin Bell, Flt Lt Ian Brotheridge,
FS Jack Parkinson, Flt Lt Paul Crabtree,
SAC Brandon Wardale, Fg Off Gareth Thomas,
By Flight Lieutenant Rick Lyon
I'd guess like most people, once appointed as the OC at my Squadron I began looking at the training we offer, staff recruitment, identifying skillsets
and placing people in places in order to increase the standard and breadth of our training provision. One such area was Fieldcraft and by chance an
old colleague and friend was the Wing Fieldcraft officer. That sparked my interest, not only in terms of training delivery for the cadets, but I also felt that it might be something that could add a little ‘spice’ to my own cadet career. After all, if you enjoy doing something, you’re likely to do it well!
Fieldcraft is a valuable training tool and it sits with all Services and Cadet Forces. Of course, I know how much our cadets enjoyed adventure training, leadership, teamworking and the challenge that outdoor activity brings. They enjoy the structure and military aspect of our training provision and this
is something that Fieldcraft offers in abundance! Considering all that, why wouldn’t I want to be a part of it and so I enrolled on the Wing’s Phase 1 Fieldcraft Instructor’s training course!
The Phase 1 Instructor training course involves three distinct units. Covid restrictions meant that
the training programme would be stretched. So, in November 2020, then devoid of some restrictions
our group of potential instructors undertook the first stage of the course in the role of student cadets. Staff experienced the same training, same kit, same exercises and all on a cold and dark Driffield Airfield training area! After that Covid intervened again so we didn’t reconvene for the second stage of training until
Fieldcraft offers a great opportunity to see so many skillsets exposed and developed and it’s this that brings the greatest reward
the following April. That time we found ourselves
on the Strensall Military Training area near York, where we delivered a full course to cadets under direction and with the support of the Wing Fieldcraft training team. At the risk of becoming repetitive, Covid intervened yet again but fortunately this last weekend saw the final stage of our instructor training programme. Under assessment conditions the recruit instructors and I delivered the full training programme to cadets, including a night exercise. With a few added lessons relating to the administra- tion side of training and planning, we’re now qualified to assist the Fieldcraft training team but more essentially, to deliver Phase 1 training at Squadron level!
Like many areas in cadet life, there's tangible sense of achievement from delivering Fieldcraft training and you get that from the visible return you see whilst watching cadets thrive in this arena. Fieldcraft offers a great opportunity to see so many skillsets exposed and developed and it’s this that brings the greatest reward.
So, if you're reading as a cadet, Fieldcraft is going to offer you a chance to have some great fun learning and developing new skills, improving others and working as part of a team. As an Adult Volunteer,
if Fieldcraft Instruction is something that you think might be for you, contact your local Fieldcraft training team, discuss where you might fit considering your own circumstances and perhaps go along and have a look. I can highly recommend it!
Sgt Jonathan Owens, Sgt Joanna Mather