Page 15 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 15
By Pilot Officer Zia Mir
Commodore Waterhouse was met on arrival where parking was arranged in the squadron garage, and was then provided with a Health and Safety brief and a tour of the building.
The OC, Flight Lieutenant Clare Crebbin, welcomed the Commodore to the squadron and provided a 40 minutes brief on our organisa- tion and structure. During this time our Sector Commander, Squadron Leader Marcus Griffiths, arrived and was introduced too.
During the visit Commodore Waterhouse was shown some of the different activities the Cadets were undertaking that evening, which included a Cadet NCO led programme of a
he distributed Cyber First certificates
Dragons Den/Apprentice style conclusion to be judged and awarded rankings and a session being led by a senior Cadet on Mental Health awareness.
Commodore Waterhouse was impressed when speaking with the cadets and how they were very much engaged in their respective sessions. He was also given a short session and experience on the Virtual Flight Simulator provided extremely well by Cadet Flt Sgt Sam Crebbin.
Later in the evening he was part of the judging panel for the presentations of 5 teams
following the cadet led programme which he very much enjoyed.
A final parade concluded the evening, where he distributed Cyber First certificates and
Bronze Cyber badges in addition to giving the winning team of the cadet
led programme the Royal Navy Regional Command Friendship coins to each member of the team.
At the conclusion of the visit he gave a few words of what he does and who he is to the cadets and thanked them and the staff for
everything they do for the cadets.
The Squadron shares their drill secrets with Bridlington Police Cadets
252 (Bridlington) Squadron offered their help recently to the Bridlington Police Cadets with their Parade drill. Over two evenings the Police Cadets were put through their paces by Air Cadet Sgt Zac Allen-Robinson and Cpl Josh Owen.
The cadets were instructed in basic drill movements by the Air Cadets and then had a go themselves. By the end of the second meeting the Police Cadets were marching alongside the Air Cadets. The training was in preparation for participation in events held in Bridlington.
The Squadron Gets Knotted
252(Bridlington) Squadron hosted Chief Petty Officer Mark Edmondson from Training Ship Scarborough, a local branch of the Sea Cadets. He spent the evening showing the cadets how to tie nautical knots. The evening finished with all the cadets making wrist bands out of para cord. The evening was enjoyed by all and a big thank you went to CPO Edmondson.