Page 65 - RAPTC Year of 2019
P. 65

  11 INF BDE
Capt (MAA) R Roberts RAPTC
  PDA, MS visit and RAPTC Reunion Gibraltar May 19
HQ 11X Bismarck Challenge Team
Another year another MBS notes time!
Without a doubt this year has been one of
the most frantic I have ever experienced.
The Bde has over 25% of the entire British Army
along with a huge Regional Point of Control
function for the Cadets and UK Engagement
Teams. Added to this our Operational Command
(OPCOM) Units who are, less one, based outside
the 11X area in Ternhill, Windsor, Hounslow,
Brunei, Belfast and Canterbury which makes the
SO3 PD job a hugely challenging but exceptionally rewarding one.
The biggest change to the staff at the HQ has been the long overdue employment of a QMSI Physical Development in the guise of WO2 (QMSI) Dan Bishop. A warm welcome to you, Kelly and the boys to the mayhem that is 11 Brigade! The post had been gapped for over 3.5 years and 3 x SO3 PDs have each took a stint of running one of the busiest PD branches in the RAPTC singlehandedly; a task we will all agree is not pleasant!
The Bde currently oversees 68 Units and has over 50 RAPTCIs (less training establishments) to provide daily advice to. I have been particularly pleased with the numerous RAPTCIs who have been successful on the promotion boards this year, which highlights the quality and calibre of the instructors within the Bde. Well done to all and commiserations to those who were unsuccessful.
Brunei PDA and MS visit Sep 19
Bismarck Challenge – Blue tops a plenty!
This year I have been fortunate to leave the sunny shores of Aldershot and 11X AOR for (work) trips to Gibraltar, Brunei and AT in France. Other notable events this year, have been the RAPTC Regional Study Period in Oct, the PTI (Reserves) Study Period in Nov 19 as well as taking a Bde team to the excellent 1st Division Bismarck 4 x 4 Relay Challenge in York. Braving the sub-zero conditions, the team did really well and of course I was the fastest in the HQ, you never quite lose it
when you have the red belt of power to keep you going!
As I write these notes, which will be my last as SO3 PD before I hand over to Capt (MAA) Lee Davison and depart for AFC Harrogate and the newly formed Phoenix Platoon in July 20; the Bde HQ along with the whole of the country is fully engaged with Op RESCRIPT and the military’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope you all have stayed safe and come out the other end fit and healthy.
It has been the highlight of my career to have been the SO3 PD for HQ 11X, I will really miss the interaction with the RAPTCIs across my AOR however, I wish Lee and all subsequent holders of this post the very best for the future. It is a fantastic, yet challenging role and I would like to thank all 11X RAPTCIs past and present for making my two and a bit years in post; amongst the very best I have had in 20 years in the RAPTC and 26 in the Army.

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