Page 14 - Thrapston Life July 2023
P. 14

                                  I wrote an article for Thrapston Life in March which you may have seen. It was informing you about a couple of bake sales that I was doing as part of my fundraising to go on a GirlGuiding International to the Isle
activities, food and sleeping accommodation. Some of my favourite activities were gorge walking and raft building.
When we went gorge walking we had to wear
   of Man. With your help and your generosity I was able to raise all the money I needed to be able to go on that spellbinding trip. I got to the island on Sunday 2nd March after a six hour coach journey and a four hour ferry. We were greeted by the Head
of GirlGuiding for the island and the Venture Centre staff.
We stayed at the Venture Centre which provided our transport around the island,
At the end we were able to go down a rock slide into a pool
wet suits, wet socks and helmets to keep us warm (the water was freezing) and safe. When we first got into the gorge we had to roll through the water and then dunk our head into the river once we reached a weak current. We then proceeded to walk up the river, though at certain points we had to crawl as otherwise we may have been
taken back downstream. We also climbed up waterfalls and rocks which were covered by fast flowing water. At the end we were able to go
to the Isle of Man

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