Page 42 - Cadet Review Summer 2023
P. 42

                                HSY ACF
By Captain Neil Bizzell
A new era is underway for B company as Major Tim Troughton hands over command to Major Clare Kirk. Major Troughton moves on from B company to act as Events officer before taking post as County Training Officer later in the year.
Major Troughton said: "As many of you will be aware, this marks the end of my time as Officer Commanding B Company, the keys have been handed over and your new OC, Major Kirk is in the office and ready to command the best company in HSY! As I reflect over the last 4 years I feel an overwhelm- ing sense of pride, and honour to have been part of the B Company story. To the cadets: being a part of your cadet experience has been a huge honour for me. Seeing you transit through the organisation on the same journey as I did many years ago as a cadet at Middleton Detachment, and achieving the great things that you have has given me the motivation and enthusiasm to keep doing what we do.
To the team of adult volunteers from over the years: I feel so lucky to have worked with such a talented group of people and have learned so much from each of you. Whilst I'm excited about the future, I'm sad to have to leave you all. I just wanted to take this moment to thank you for everything that you have done for me during my time here. From your never-ending support to the countless cups of coffee you have brought to my desk.
I wish you all the very best of luck as you continue to show everyone what B Company can do and I will leave you with some words from Frank Sinatra for those who know: "Regrets, I've had a few, but then again
too few to mention. I did what I had to do and I saw it through without exception. I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway. And more, much more, did it, I did it my way! Thank you B Company, it has been an absolute honour and a privilege to serve you as your OC".
We wish him the best of luck in his new role, and Major Kirk as she takes command.
By Staff Cadet CSM Erica Taylor
On the 12th April 2023 I visited the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst for an Army Officers Insight Day. The RMAS is where the British Army trains Officers who are both regular and reserves, preparing them to take on the responsibility of leading their soldiers.
Upon arriving to The Academy, I was able to learn about different regiments,
and pathways to becoming an officer, before being given a welcome brief and escorted to the parade stands. During the visit I was lucky enough to watch the Commandant’s parade of Commissioning Course 222, which was their final practice before the Sovereign’s Parade on the 14th during which they were inspected by His Majesty the King, and also presented with a new Sovereign’s Banner and Colours.
The Sovereign’s parade happens at the end of every term, and it is the passing out of Officer Cadets who have completed their Commissioning Course. During the ceremony, awards are presented for the highest performing cadets, including the Sword of Honour, the Overseas Sword, and the Queen’s award. The parade ends with the Adjutant riding their horse up the Old College steps, following the graduating Officer Cadets.
We were given a tour of the academy, including the library, and gym and throughout the day there were many opportunities to talk to a range of people, including serving officers, and cadets who shared their pathways and experiences. At the end of the day, there was a final presentation, which covered the Commissioning Course and selection process, with opportunities to ask any question at the end.
The day and people that I met were incredibly inspiring and gave me an insight on what life is like as an officer, the competitive recruitment process, intensive training and requirements for prospective applicants. I would highly recommend anyone with an interest in becoming a Regular or Reserve Officer attends an insight day if they have the opportunity to.

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